Satan's Playing His Music Too Loud

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The girl in the picture is Kopelynd

Her real name is Beatriz and her instagram is @beatrizmarianophotograghy

She is in a band call OKKULTIST

Check them out theyre really good and her screaming is awesome

She her some love♡


"Kope! Can you tell Satan that he has his music up way too loud." Oh Kendall.

I'm currently visiting my family. Mum thought it would be a good idea to get the girls together. Too bad Catlyn isn't here.

"Kope, come down stairs after you turn the devil's music off." It's just Slipknot. I still roll my eyes.

"Yes mother." I turn off 'Satan's music' and go down stairs.

I walk into the kitchen and see the usual.

Kim is trying to get everyone's opinion on if see should get more lip fillers. Kourt is in her own little world with Mason. Klo is talking to mum about her problems. Ken is typing away at her phone, probably setting up a photo shoot. Last but not least, Kylie, who is on the phone with her way older boyfriend but when I get one my mum flips shit. I'm 27, almost 28 for crying out fucking loud.

I take another step and walk to the fridge. I thought the sudden door opening and closing would tell them I'm here but guess not.

I wait awhile the clear my thoat and my mum finally notices.

"Oh, Kope, finally I thought you weren't done worshiping Satan." Yet again, an eye roll.

"No I wasn't done because when Ken screamed my sacrafice ran away." I take a swing of my chocolate milk and Kim gives me a discused face.

"Do you know how many cals are in that?"

"Did you know that I don't care."

"Girls." We give eachother a glare before my mother starts speaking.

"Okay. Well, before we start, I wanna congragulate everyone on how much they've accomplished this year. Kim with you magazie, Ky you lip line, and Ken you modeling." That's great but she left someone out.

"Alright, now the plans for this weekend are-" "Um mum." I cut her off for a sec.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Don't call me that and you forgot to mention my album and awards. What the hell mum, don't you support me?" She opened her mouth but was cut off by Kim.

"Why would she support a Satanist?" She looks at her nails as she speaks.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't talking to you."

"Do you support her mom?" Kim looks towards the mother that we share and she avoids my eyes.


"I do."

"Bullshit! Look me in eyes and tell me the truth." She hesitats to turn towards me but finally looks at me.

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