Side Shave

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Tour started a week ago.

Everything's been normal. Well, except for the constant glares from Chris and/or Balz whenever I hang out with Ricky.

Well, Balz doesn't glare, he just, stares. Though Ryan-Ashley and I are on good terms. She's on tour so she can run a Oddities tent.

Thank fuck we have buses. The bunk are so much bigger.

"Kope! We have sound check in five!"

"Alright!" I get out of my bunk to change.

"Can y'all stop yelling!" Oh Vincent.


"Alright then, what should we end with? A popular or a cover?" We're almost dome with sound check, but we can't seem to figure out what to play last.

"Never Ending Terror." Blade suggest.

"No that's a slow song." Vincent says turning his idea down.

"Let's cover Broken Generation." Emened says.

"Nah, we've done that countless of times. Plus we already have a cover in tonight's set. Let's not add another." I say.

"Hey guys. What are you all doing?" Ricky says walking onto the stage and sitting in the little circle we have going on. Behind him are Ghost, Vin, Ryan, and I'm even surpised to see Balz.

"We're thinking of a song we should end with." Alec says.

"Well why is it so hard?" Ghost, asks looking at me.

"Well, you see. We're either doing one of our songs or a cover. We already have a cover in our set tonight, so we're trying to pick a song that is very energetic." The boys all ponder for a minute.

"Why don't you just do something with us?" I get up quickly at the sound of that voice.

"I'm sorry. I didn't here you right. You mind saying that again. Are you actually talking to me?" I exagerate, while rubbing in Blaz's face.

Everyone laughs, including him.

"All I'm saying is that we start of with Devil's Night. You guys could stay on stage as we come out. Then after the songs done, you leave. It'll be like a smooth transition." Blaz explains further.

"That sounds awesome." Blade says high-fiving Alec.

"It won't sound awesome to Chris though." I say sighing.

"Well, it's not like he controls the band. Plus, Josh will love this idea." We all started working on 'who would do what parts'.

Josh walks by and Ryan stops him.

"Can we ask you some thing?"

"What is it?" Josh takes a step back and gives us a skeptical look."

"Well, RIP had a hard time picking the song they would perform at the end of their set, so Balz suggested that they perform Devil's Night with us, since we open with that." Josh sweares like he'd seen a ghost.

"Balz? Had this idea? Him?" We all nod and Josh sighs.

"I'll go discuss it with Jace, then break the news to Chris." He looks at me.

"Are you sure you'll be fine performing with Chris?"

"I think you should be asking him that." I laugh and so does everyone else.

"Ask Chris what?" Chris walks up to the group and stand next to Josh.

"Your performing Devil's Night with RIP. No if's, no's, or but's." Chris's eyes fell out of his head and look at Balz.

"Your okay with this?"

"It was my idea." Blaz says smriking back.

If Chris's eyes didn't pop, they sure did now.

He storms off and grabs my arm in the process.

He stops and turn towards me. I beat him to talking.

"Drag me again and I'll break you arm." Chris laughs. I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm.

Insted of yelling at him, I flip him.

"What the fuck."

"Told you." I start to walk away but he calls after me.

"What do you want?"

I look down at him coughing.

"We'll have to work this out for the show tonight. After that, we can go back to hating eachother. Deal?" I nod.

"Okay, now. Help me up." I give him a warning look.

"Please." I sigh and pull him up and stedy him.


"Alright, we have a little something before Motionless In White come on. Are idiot brains couldn't think of a song to perform last, so we're just performing with MIW for their first song." Devil's Night kicks in and the boys run out.

Ricky walks by and gives me a side hug.


We all head bang in sync, which I though was awesome.

It came to the part were I had to sing the chorse and Ricky stared at me the intire time. It wasn't a creepy stare, more like, admiring. I don't understand why.

At the bridge, I helped Chris screamed, which surprised all the boys, even Chris.


The boys finished their set and we went off to our buses.

"Hey, if your not too tired, we could hang out for a bit."

"Okay but go take a shower Ricky." He laughs and runs off to his bus.


"Wait, wait, wait. So your telling me that you had our side shaved because you lost a bet." Ricky was currently telling me a story of when Ryan and him had a bet.

"Yeah. Turns out the bastard was gonna get his sides shaved either way. He made sure that I lost."

"Okay, okay. To be honest, you don't seem like the most athletic person." My side were hurting at this point.

"It was best out of three and by our third lap that son of a bitch cut me off." By now I was crying.

"Ohhh. Okay. Anyways, we play an early show tomarrow. So, let's hit the hay."

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