He's Name Is Raph.

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Its 3:16 in the afternoon and Im drinking coffee😑


Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Sometmes my ringtone scarces me. Ricky. Why is he calling me? I answer it.

K: Hello

R: Kope, hey! How are you?

K: I'm fine, you?

R: I'm good. Hey, I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today?

K: Umm, sure. What time?

R: Like... 2:00, considering it's 12:15. If that's okay with you.

K: Yea that's totally fine. See you then.

R: See ya!

I put my phone down after texting Ricky my address and get up to shower and clean my house a bit.


I just finished cleaning and I'm worn out. I finish my make up. It's was simply. Just eyeliner and Kat Von D's liquid lip Witches.

The bell rings as I meet the bottom of the stairs.

I swing the door open revealing Ricky claded in black. I smile.

"Hey." I open the door wider for him and he says 'hey' back.

"So how long are you guys in L.A. for before you go back to Scraton?"

"Like a month and a half." I lead him to the living room and we sit down to watch a movie.

We didn't really pay attention to the movie 'cause we just talked through it.

"So you have FX Makeup?" I nodded.

"Cool." Then an idea pooped on my head.

"Let me do your make up!" I exclaim.

He chuckles but gives in.

I leave the room to get my things then come back.

I first wipe off his current make up and apply a white base paint. Then set it. I sit there for a second, thinking about what I should do.

"What you doing?"

"I'm thinking."

Then an other idea pooped on my head.

I wipe off a circle big enough in the middle of his forhead.

"So you put on the make up, then take it off." Ricky says laughing.

"Shhh." I hiss at him and he laughs. He has a nice laugh.

"Alright, stop or it'll be messy."

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