What The Fuck

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Sorry ive been away.

Just school and work and now im on the cheer time which will take up more of my time srry

Ill try and hav one up every two or three weeks if im not stuck in writers block

Yall may hate me for this chap but its for the sake of the story😭


Ricky has been acting weird lately.

Like, weirder than usual.

When I ask him what's wrong he just shrugs it off.

We are currently in Cincinnati, Ohio, and I'm looking forward to seeing Andy.

Ever since the incident happened on that plane.

To be honest, I always got a bitchy vibe from Juliet. She just doesn't like me.

Well it ain't my fault that we basicaly grew up together.

I can't choose who lives in the house next to me.

Yes, I lived in Cincinnati for a while.

I was living with my dad until everything happened.

But Andy and I never lost touch.

Now, back to real time.

Ricky is currently trying to wake me up by poking me.

He think's I'm sleeping but really I'm just daydreaming with my eyes closed untill I start to fall asleep again. (Dont tell me Im the only one that does this)

"Kope. Kope. Kope. Kope. Kope. Kope."

"I swear to fucking Satan, if you say Kope on more time-" I was cut off by Ricky saying 'Kope' again.

"Kope. Kope. Kope. Kope. Kope."

"Okay, okay. I'm up. What do you want, you annoy little dewb." I say hoping out of my bunk and standing next to Ricky.

"Andy called. He said he'll be here in an hour. Which was an hour ago." Ricky smirks smugly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I yell at him and start running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, trying to pick out something to wear.

"I tried but you wouldn't wake up. Or atleast you didn't want to."

There was a knock at the door as Ricky finished his sentence.

"Keep him company while I shower." I shove Ricky out of the bunk area.

I didn't need to worry about changing in front of any childish-men, since everyone else was out to breakfast or some. As the sticky note Chris left said.

I laughed quietly and rush my shower rutien.




(This is like the opposite of what theyre like in my other book. I just think its funny.)

"It's been long enough. How you been? Have you had your growth spert, yet." He laughs and walks in.

"Ha ha. And actually yes. I grew 2 inches over the summer." I say proudly

"You make it sound so sad." We both laugh.

A couple of minutes pass by and the boys arrive with breakfast. 

"What took you all so long?" I ask Chris.

"Well, crybaby, didn't agree with anything anyone else wanted to get." He motions to Balz. Standard.

"Of course." We all laugh and Balz pouts.

We all eat together. After breakfast, Andy and Kope leave to hang out. 

A couple of hours later of just fucking around on the bus, we get ready for the show that was earlier than usual today.

I had just finished my eyeliner when there's a knock at the door and Ryan get's it.

"What the fuck!"


Yall this book got me fucked up😂

Idk what to do with it.

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