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We are currently in Seattle, Washington and Ricky is non-stop worrying about his parents.

These bunks are almost impossible to sleep in but I'm managing.

"Kope!" Only an idiot dares wake me up from my nap.

"Kope! Are you there?" My curtian rips open releaveling Ricky. Of course, the idiot of idiots.

"May I help you, Richard?"

"Go shower. My parents want to meet you."

"What?!" He runs out before I can catch him.


This is so awkward.

Currently, Ricky and I are having lunch with his parents and sister, and his sister's boyfriend, Derek.

His sister, Rachel, is the one starting all the conversations.

"So Kopelynd, we asked Ricky about your parents but he said they're not around." His dad had asked. I froze a bit.

"Oh, um, yeah they don't really come around a lot." Please don't ask who they are.

"Well we'd like to meet them sometime. When will they be free?" His mother asked.

"They're always busy. It's a big family and my mum trys to make sure everything is under control."

"Well yout mother sounds like a fine women." She laughs a bit.

"Yeah, she's something alright." I say taking a sip from my drink to drown out my words.

Only Ricky hears causing him to chuckle a bit.

Once everyone was done with their food, we desided to go for ice cream.

We all went in our seperate cars.

"So for that. My parents are pushy."

"No it's fine."

Scilence comes over us for a good minute.

"Theythinkweredating." Ricky bursted.


"They think we're dating. I tried telling them no but they're stuck on the idea."

I take a deep sigh, then start laugh.

Ricky looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Did they see the video?" He started to laugh, too.

"My sister showed it to them." By now we've reached the ice cream parlor.



The rest of the day went by well.

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