Don't Be A Sore Loser

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I mention a really goooooddd auther in this chapter so check her out.



The smell of bacon and coffee floating in the air wake me up.

Getting out of bed, I pass by a full-length mirror to see that I'm in a black Nike sprots bra and matching sweatpants. Eh, whatever.

I slip on some socks and go down stairs to greet whoever I must have let in my house last night.

Oh, Ricky.

"What you making?" He jumps ten feet in the air and puts a hand over his heart.

"Fuck... you gave me a heart attack. Your a quiet walker." I laugh and loom over his shoulder to see a pancake about to overcook.

"Umm, you food is burning." I giggle and he franticlly tries to get the pancake onto a plate.

"Hungery?" He motions to the burnt pancake and I give him a glare.

"Kidding, kidding. Here." He hands me a stack of perfectly cooked pancakes and I thank him.

I grab of mug of coffee and sit down to eat.

"Wait, I thought I smelt ba-" I was cut off by Ricky setting a plate piled high with bacon. I chuckle taking 8 strips.

We make small talk until we finish eating.

"I'll take that." Ricky takes my empty plate and starts the dishes.

"Noooo. Your my guest and you already made us food. I'll clean." I say pushing him out of the way.

"I was the one who cooked therefore it's my mess so I should clean it." He argues nudging me back.

"Okay, atleast let me help you." He sighs and I start to help.

The intire time, Ricky kept pushing me so I barely did anything.

"So what you wanna do now?" I ask as I watch him put the last pan away.

"I don't. You know this place better, what do you think?" He turns to me.

"Well there's a bowl-" "Yes!" He smiles widely and I chuckle.

"Then get ready. There's a private bath in your room." I walk up stairs to go use my own private bath.

~le time skip~

We arrive at the bowling alley and I stop Ricky at the entrence.

"Okay, I bet I can bowl better than you." I say crossing my arms with a smirk.

"Are you sure? Okay, but if I win, I get a shopping spree at Hot Topic." I laugh.

"Your such a girl. Okay, well if I win, you have to go skinny dipping. I get the privlage to record." I smrik and he's still has a smug look on his face.

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