Chapter 5

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" Well because your always talking to them and it seems like your telling it alredy you know that?!"-Said Grace

"It doesn't mean that if we talk to long I already told it. Besides if I told it both of us would be embarrassed duh!"
-Said Jacob

So Jacob and Grace was continuing the talk about the crush of Grace... and for like a minute they stop because of Kristy and Kristine...

"Hey Jacob why are you talking with that Nerd! I tought we were enemies with that Nerd!"-Said Kristy

"Like yeah why are you talking with her?"-Said Kristine

"Look gals I know you hate her but I'm just trying to be freinds with her"-Said Kristy and Kristine

"Is that true Grace!"-Said Kristy and Kristine

"Yeah we were just trying to be friends again... so can we be friends?"-Said Grace

"Look I know you hate me a lot because of what happened yesterday ok!.. I'm sorry about it pls forgive me"-Said Grace while kneeling down

"Hmmmmm... Fine I forgive you but! Dont you dare do that again or else!"-Said Kristine and Kristy

"Ok I wont I promise!"-Said Grace

So after arguing... all of them became friends and every lunch they eat together and they share all their secrets well not all of it! except for the CRUSH of Grace!

So on that day they became friends and they always chat even if the class starts already! They talk by writing a meassage in a paper and crampling it and passing it to Kristy, kristine,Jacob, Jenny, Jennifer, or Grace so they almost spent 5 hours on paper messaging and they were happy.

The next day all of them bond together they never leave anyone behind and so on they became the best of friends! They call their new group "The Lovemates!"

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