Chapter 6

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So the "Lovemates" were always talking about the Good News and Bad News.... But then....

*Bell Rings*

"Oh its time come on "Lovemates" lets go to our room and wait for Teacher Nal!!!"-Said Kristine

"Sure thing!"-Said everyone in the group!

So all of them sat on their chair and waited for Teacher Nal!

*Door opens*

"Good morning Teacher Nal!"-Said the class

"Good morning class"-Said Teacher Nal

"Ok everyone take your seat and stop talking!"-Said Teacher Nal

So when the class started everyone was focused on the test so they can pass... And so on Teacher Nal was checking the test papers everyone was talking again but softly like Whispering..
And while the "Lovemates" was talking to each other Teacher Nal finished checking the test papers.

"Ok everyone! Heres your scores! Jenny-84/100 Grace-81/100 Kristy-87/100 Kristine-91/100 Jennifer-88/100 Jacob-100/100
So the highest score is Jacob followed by Kristine then Jennifer then Kristy then Jenny and last but not least Grace!"-Said Teacher Nal...

*Bell Rings*

"Oh its lunch time come one "Lovemates" lets get lunch!"-Said Kristy.

So again when they sat on their lunch tables they were talking and talking until they made funny jokes but Grace...

"So I was like you wana battle? You got your self a dance battle!"-Said Jacob

"Hahahahahaha"-Said the group..

"Ok my turn!"-Said Grace

"Sure"-Said  Jennifer

"I like said yea to a friend and it was awkward because he noticed that I have a crush on him it was like me having a crush on Jacob!!"-Said Grace *While blushing*

"Wait what!.... You have a crush on Jacob?!?!"-Said Kristy and Kristine

"No I dont I said it was like!"-Said Grace

"Tell the truth Grace!"-Said Kristy

"Well... uhhhh....hmmm"-Said Grace

*Bell Rings*

"Wew I was almost going to tell it to them"-Said Grace talking in her mind

So the group almost know that she has a crush on Jacob but she didn't have to speak because of the bell....

have you ever heard "Saved By The Bell!".

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