Chapter 2

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Kristy and Kristine was getting food so they can eat lunch they sat next to each other and suddenly Jacob said..

"Hey Gals can I eat with you?"-Said Jacob

"sure!"-Kristy and Kristine replied with a smile!

Three of them was eating while chatting to each other... Other classmates were looking at them...

"Uhh why is that Jacob guy sitting with those dweebs"-Said Grace.

"And like why are u even judging them do you have a crush on Jacob?"-Said Jennifer

*Grace blushed*
"Umm no I dont O_O"-Grace was shocked while answering the question of Jennifer.

"Woahwoahwoah so let me get this straight! You really have a crush on Jacob! Like O My God why didn't u tell us???"-Said Jennifer.

"Umm like yeah Girlfriend why didn't you?"-Said Jenny Britishly...

Grace Tapped the table so loud that got everyone's attention! So on that they continue chatting about Jacob,Kristine and Kristy. But suddenly.....

*Bell Rings*

"Students! Go back to your classroom now!"-Said the Canteen Manager.

*Everyone Murmured I hate that freakin Canteen Manager*

They were all sitting and again waitng for Teacher Levine all of them was talking except for the three: Jacob, Kristy and Kristine... when Grace found out that three of them wasn't talking Grace  made a group called
"The Spies".

*door opens*
*all students stand up*

"Good afternoon Teacher Levine"-Said the class

"Good afternoon class"-Said Teacher Levine..

*Teacher Levine Coughed*

"Oh! Tacher Levine are you ok???"-said Jacob

"Yes im fine"-said Teacher Levine

"Ill take you to the clinic"-Said Jacob..

"No its ok Jacob im alright"-Said  Teacher Levine..

"If you wont go to the clinic then take this medicine (Solmux) Teacher Levine"-Said Jacob..

"How toughtful of you Jacob!"-Said Teacher Levine..

*Teacher Levine swallowed the medicine using water*

"I feel so much better thank you so much Jacob!"-Said Teacher Levine..

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