chapter 8

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So all of them was eating at their lunch table they were listening to the story of the mom of Kristy and Kristine because they we're so interested about know what happend to her they almost spent 3 hours just for listening to the story...

*Bell Rings*

So all of them go to the classroom and listen to Teacher Quail...

"Pls call me ma'am Bell"-Said Teacher Quail

"Why?" Said the group

"Because my real name is Quail D. Bell"-Said ma'am Bell

"So meaning my real name is Kristy D. Bell"-Said Kristy
"And my real name is Kristine D. Bell"-Said Kristine

"Yes thats your real name alright!"-Said ma'am Bell

So all of them started the class and listened to ma'am Bell...

The next day Kristine and Kristy hurried to go to school to talk to their mother but then...

*Bell Rings*

So they walk with their mom to their classroom and waited for the others but suddenly..

*Door opens

"Hi everyone!"-Said both

"Hello there! Your so early today huh?"-Said Jacob

"Yeah I just cant get enough with my mom"-Said both

So after the chat they started class and a test and after test all of them pass because the test was very easy...

"Umm ma'am Bell where is your house?"-Said Jennifer

"Well its in New York but for now I live in a condominium"-Said ma'am Bell

*Bell Rings*

"Oh its lunch lets get lunch everybody!"-Said Kristine

"Sure lets go"-Said Jacob

"I have a crush on Jacob!"-Said Grace

"WHAT!"-Said everybody

(To be Continued....)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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