Chapter 4

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*Grace Blushed*

"So your crush is me?!"-Said jacob

"Kinda of?..Yea??"-Said Grace

"So this is so awkward!"-Said Jacob

"Yea wana be just friends?"-Said Grace

"Su"-Said Jacob Interrupted by the bell

*Bell Rings*

"Jacob come lets get lunch!-Said Kristine

"Yea Jacob we'll wait for you"-Said Kristy

"Yea gals ill be there soon just go!"-Said Jacob

"Ok then well wait for you at the table!"-Said both

"We'll talk about this later"-Said Jacob

"Yea sure"-Said Grace

So Jacob get lunch and find Kristy and Kristine so he can sit with them!

"Jacob over here!"-Said Kristy

*Kristy raised her hand*

So Jacob found them and sit with them while Grace was watching Jacob and suddenly Jacob looked at Grace
Grace looked away from him and act nothing happens then Jacob  didn't mind her. So they continued eating lunch and chat about the things happened but Jacob didn't tell what happened to him and Grace so they continue chatting and chatting....Grace was worried that if Jacob tell them that she has a crush on Jacob!!!

*Bell Rings*

"Oh its time again lets go to the classroom and continue chatting there!"-Said Kristine

"Sure thing!"-Said Jacob

So all of the students go to the room and again waiting for teacher Levine....

*Door opens*

"Good morning Teacher Levine"-Said the class
"Good morning Principal Greg"-Said the class

"Good morning class so everyone I'm so happy to see you all smile!-Said Principal Greg
"Yes! Thats correct Principal Greg!!!"-Said Teacher Levine

So when Teacher Levine and Principal Greg was continuing talking while the class was also talking especially Grace. She was so worried because of what happened at the morning...

"I need to do something!"-Said Grace
"Psst! Psst! Psst! Jacob! Jacob!"-Said Grace

*Jacob turned around and said*

"What now!"-Said Jacob

"Did you tell it?"-Said Grace

"NO! And why would I?!"-Said Jacob

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