Chapter 3

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"Your welcome anytime Teacher Levine!"

The next day at school Kristy, Kristine and Jacob rushed to go to school so early so that three of them could chat but suddenly "The Spies" came and teased them they said "Haha three of you are such a dweebs!" But Jacob saved them he said "Well are you sure that only us are dweebs how about you three. Three of you are such a Nerd!"

"Wait what! We aint Nerds!"-Said Jenny Britishly

"Then why are the three of you wearing glasses!"-Said Jacob

"Beacause... Umm.. becau..."-Said Grace Interrupted by Teacher Nal.

*Bell rings*

"Looks like we'll finish this mess later!"-Said Jacob.

So all of the students go in their rooms and rushed so they can talk early in the classroom... But suddenly

*Door opens*

"Good morning Teacher Levine!"-said the class

"Good morning class"-Said Teacher Levine

Everyone was always talking but the three wasn't "the Spies" was so focused on the three especially Grace. She was so focused on Jacob.

*Grace Giggles*

"Umm Grace why are you focused so much on Jacob?"-Said Jennifer

"Like heck yea girlfriend why are you so like focused on Jacob or whatever!"-Said Jenny Britishly

"Ok both of you can you please stop teasing me?!"-Said Grace with Anger!

"Why cant you just tell us the truth???"-Said the both

"What do you even mean! I really dont have a crush on Jacob!"-Said Grace

"Ok let me get this straight if you wont admit that you have a crush on Jacob then we'll just have to tell him then!"-Said Jennifer

"Ok I admit... I do have a crush on him but please dont tell anyone!"-Said Grace *Whispered*

"Ha! So we were correct the whole time!"-Said both

"Gals you do know I can hear you cause I'm so near to you!"-Said Jacob

"Oh Shit why did we even talk so loud!"-Said Grace

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