New old acquaintances

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Standing in the door of the "breadsticks", I could already see Liz and Ryan sitting at a table near one of the giant windows. Unfortunately, I could only see the guy's back, but as far as a back can be cute, this one was. I walked towards them and sat down. "Hey", I said while trying to get out of my jacket and placing it on the back of my chair. "Hi", I heard a familiar male voice say. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized it. I knew that voice all too well. I looked up slowly and without responding, scared of what - or whom- I was going to see. I glanced at him and then quickly looked away, focusing on the tablecloth. Liz seemed to sense the awkwardness in the air and introduced us. "Lucy, that's Ryan, Ryan-Lucy". 

" Yeah, we sorta know each other", he said, with the hint of a smile on his lips. 

"", Liz looked confused. "We.. we were kinda.. uh.. sorta..", I stuttered and and felt my cheeks blush. "Together" Ryan completed the sentence for me. I shot him a greatful look, relieved I didn't have to say it myself. "Together", Liz looked from him to me, then back, "as in.. a couple?". If we had avoided the akward moment situation before, now it was definitely there, and there was nothing that could save u -"Excuse me? Could we please have your salt?"

"Huh? Oh, sure", I said, handing the salt over to the man next table. Now that the silence was interrupted, Ryan looked at Liz and began to talk very rapidly. "But it's perfectly fine, it was quite a while ago and we separated as friends and since th-" Liz started shaking her head, telling him to shut up.

"We seperated as friends" I repeated quietly. 

Liz just looked at me and said nothing and looked and said nothing and looked and said nothing, and then there was silene, loads of it, slowly piling up between us. 

This would be a looong evening.

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