Chapter 13

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Glenn stopped the horse and let Allison dismount near the gate that led from the pasture to the grounds approaching Hershel's house. He then led the horse back to the stable to unsaddle it and rub it down or whatever the heck you had to do after riding. Allison started walking to Lori's tent when she noticed a figured approaching her out the corner of her eye. She turned and saw that it was Daryl, who was almost running.

He caught up to her in a few quick strides.

"Well, you must be feeling better if you're run—" she started to greet him.

"Where the HELL have you been?" he interrupted her, leaning forward and shouting in her face.

"Wh-what?" she took one step backward, confused.

"You got nuthin' better to do than worry folks sick? Just how stupid can you be to take off without tellin' anybody?"

He didn't raise a hand to her but the tone of his voice was threatening enough. However, she'd been screamed at by experts both at school and at work over the years, so she wasn't so much frightened as she was surprised by his outburst.

"Lori knew where I was, she asked me to get her something from the drugstore in town."

"What in the hell did she need that Glenn couldn't get? I'm sure he's seen a box of tampons before," he wasn't shouting quite as loud now but the tone of his voice was still filled with fury. "You got no business goin' into town – lookit yourself, you're covered in blood! What the hell happened?"

Allison had been busy digging through her backpack while he spoke and she produced the package of pills she'd picked up for Lori, presuming it would explain everything and he would calm down. She knew that he was really steamed if he was using Glenn's real name instead of some unflattering nickname.

"She wanted me to get these, and she wanted it to be a secret, so she couldn't tell Glenn and you're going to have to promise not to tell any – "

He ripped the package from her hand and read the label. "You have got to be freakin' kidding me!" He stormed off in the direction of Lori's tent.

"Daryl! No! Wait! Come back! I'm OK, really!" Allison trotted after him, still desperate to keep Lori's secret.

Lori was standing near a campfire boiling water. "Here are your fuckin' abortion pills!" Daryl hissed at her, virtually throwing the package in her face. "Next time you need shit like this, you best ask somebody else; Allison ain't your fuckin' messenger service!"

He spun on his heel and looked back at Allison. "And you – you better start usin' your head for a change and stop tryin' to get yourself goddamned killed!"

He stomped off, leaving Allison and Lori looking at each other in stunned silence. Allison was the first to speak. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell him, he just showed up when I was emptying my backpack..."

Lori held up a hand in reassurance. "No, I'm sorry. I should've never asked you to do something so dangerous. I...for some reason I thought it was safe in town."

"It was just one walker that caught us by surprise. We took care of it. No harm done."

"Well, I thank you for getting these for me." She turned to go into her tent.

"Lori..." Allison called to her. The dark-haired woman paused and turned around. "I know it's none of my business, and we're not close friends or anything, but if you ever want to talk...."

"I appreciate that."

"One other thing...I don't know how far along you are, but if you do decide to take those, please let someone know, if not me then Hershel. Or Rick or Shane. Somebody. Don't sneak off alone and take them."

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