Chapter 18

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Daryl held the flap of his tent open for Allison to enter first. A true gentleman, she thought to herself. She stepped inside and he followed, zipping the "door" closed.

"Sorry it ain't real fancy or nuthin'," he apologized, lighting a lantern that was hanging from the ceiling.

"It's fine," Allison assured him, looking around. Then, turning to face him she said shyly, "Truth be told, it's the Ritz-Carlton in my mind when I'm next to you."

Daryl was glad that the light was dim, because he felt that he might've actually been blushing at her remark.

"I'd offer you a drink, but I think you've had enough," he said.

"I'm fine, you can skip the cocktails and snack crackers," she assured him. "I'm more tired than anything."

"Oh," he suddenly felt awkward, as if he'd misinterpreted her whole coming-to-his-tent intentions. He grabbed the sleeping bag off of his cot, unzipped it and laid it flat on the floor. "Go ahead and get comfy if you're sleepy...."

Allison tried to muster up what she hoped was a coy, sexy smile as she replied "I'm not all that sleepy..." She took a step to be closer to him, and he stepped forward to close the gap between them. She wrapped her arms around him and he smiled down at her. "Glad to hear it...I ain't really tired, either....yet." He grabbed one of her braids and tickled the end of her nose with it.

She pulled back in embarrassment. "Oh my God, I forgot my hair was still braided like this – I feel like the girl on the Swiss Miss box. Could I look any goofier?"

"Relax, Angel," Daryl stroked the top of her head with one hand while cupping his other hand behind her neck. "Unless you got yourself a set of them novelty teeth out of a gumball machine, you could never look goofy." He pulled her face upwards and met her lips with a gentle kiss.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again," Allison murmured against his lips, "you're sweet." She returned his kiss with a more forceful one of her own. She slipped a hand underneath his shirt and caressed his chest. Her fingertips danced across his nipple and he sighed heavily against her mouth. She parted her lips slightly to welcome his tongue. Both of his hands were now firmly entwined in her hair – slightly disrupting the symmetry of her plaits.

"I don't mind you sayin' it to me, but don't you ever tell anyone else you think I'm sweet," he growled as he moved his mouth to the side of her neck. She raised her face to the sky and moaned quietly as he kissed and suckled her neck. "Right now I'd promise you anything," she whispered.

The tent was silent for the next several moments save for their heavy breathing. Well, gasping and panting was more like it. Daryl slowly moved his kisses down to Allison's breast, pulling down her tank top to do so. She responded by reaching for his crotch and stroking his bulge outside of his pants. Somewhere in the back of her mind it occurred to her that these movements somehow suddenly came naturally when Daryl was pressed against her. Her mind went on automatic and she responded in ways she'd never dreamed of while reading romance novels...touching actual male body parts that had originally icked her out just a few months ago when she thought about it. But she wasn't embarrassed or even shy when Daryl touched her in her most private places. It felt good....

She reached for the hem of Daryl's sleeveless shirt and he raised his arms over his head so that she could remove it. She tossed it aside and buried her face in his chest, not noticing the scars. If anything, they made him that much more manly and attractive...her handsome, rugged Hunter, more macho than any guy on a can of stew or Brawny paper towels. She kissed his sternum and then moved her tongue to his nipple. He removed his mouth from her breast long enough to slip her tank top off and throw it to the ground. He then used both hands to press her face against his chest and he groaned as she teased his nipple with her tongue. After a few minutes she stopped, head still in position, but eyes shifted up toward his. Without speaking she lowered herself into a kneeling position, never unlocking her gaze from his. She reached for the button of his pants and undid it, and then unzipped the zipper. "Oh, yeaaah," Daryl moaned gutturally as she slid his trousers and boxer shorts down to his ankles in one movement. Without thinking about what she was doing, she took him into her mouth. Hesitant at first, she gently kissed the tip and then slid her tongue along his length. "Ohhh Gawwd," he moaned, a bit louder this time. He gently entwined his fingers in her hair, careful not to force her or push her. He massaged her scalp as she found a rhythm and slowly learned how to go just so far as to not gag herself. "Oooh, baby, I can't take much more of that," Daryl whispered a few minutes later. He oh so gently placed his hand under her chin and removed her from him and raised her face to look up to him. She slowly stood up at his silent direction and mashed his lips when he pulled her close for a kiss.

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