Chapter 16

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Allison and Daryl finished dressing and stepped out of her tent. Both squinted at the harsh sunlight and then, without further discussion, headed together to the general "eating" area, where Carol was already frying scrambled eggs (courtesy of the Greene's chickens) and Spam. T-Dog had a pot of what he called "cowboy coffee" on the fire and he filled a metal cup when Daryl approached.

"Hey, looks like you could use an eye-opener," he said, extending the cup. "Usually don't see you 'round here at this hour, you're usually off hunting or some such."

"Slept late," Daryl mumbled and accepted the cup without further elaboration.

"Coffee, Doc?" T-Dog asked Allison as she settled onto a log next to Daryl. So far as she could tell, no eyebrows were being raised, no questioning looks...apparently no one had paid attention to the fact that she and Daryl had emerged from her tent together.

"Not that coffee, thanks," she replied. "I'm not looking to grow hair on what will one day be my chest."

T-Dog laughed heartily and reached into a nearby duffle bag. "How about some water, then?" He tossed a bottle to her.

"Thanks," she said as she caught it.

"You're lucky I'm sharin' my H2O stash after you dissed my own special brand of java," he teased.

Shane finished what was left on his plate and stood up. "I'll be havin' another firearms training class in a little bit...I suggest anyone who wants to practice meet me over by Carol's Jeep after you're done eatin' and we'll drive over to the shooting range. Dog, you gonna assist again?"

"Yeah, I'll be there just as soon as I help clean up – "

"Don't worry about doing the dishes, we'll take care of that," Carol told him.

"I'll go on up to the house and let Jimmy and the others know the plan," Rick announced.

"What for?" Shane asked, confused.

"Hershel's given his permission for his group to learn how to shoot. Apparently Otis was the only one who was handy with a gun."

Maybe she imagined it, but Allison could've sworn that Shane's face clouded over or somehow momentarily changed when Rick mentioned Otis.

"OK, anyway," Shane finally spoke, "after practice we'll break into groups and plot out a new search grid for Sophia."

The assemblage finished their food and began to disperse. Andrea, Rick, Carl and T-Dog all followed Shane to the Jeep. Carol, Lori and Dale began collecting the plates, cups and cutlery while Daryl confronted Glenn.

"You got any plans for the meantime?"

Confused, Glenn stepped backward and asked "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Daryl explained, "That with Shane and his 'class' using up so much ammo practicin', we should stock up if we can. You know the way to town, thought maybe you could drive me there and we could scavenge through any gun shops or department stores there."

"I haven't seen anything like that so far," Glenn said contemplatively. "Just a bar, the drugstore...a barbershop..." He paused and thought. "There might be other shops in another direction, though."

"Why don't you ask Maggie right quick, then?"

Glenn dashed off and Allison approached Daryl. "You heading off with Glenn somewhere?" she asked, even though she'd overheard their conversation.

"Maybe. The way Shane's wasting bullets, we'll run out before long. Small town like this should have some sort of huntin'/fishin' shop."

"True that," Allison agreed. "Back in Toccoa, even the gas stations sold guns and ammo. But..." she paused and looked up at him with those huge blue eyes that turned his guts into mush, damn her hide.

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