Chapter 21

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Dinner that night was somber, what with Shane's earlier outburst. It was apparent from her controlled facial expression that Carol would have preferred to throw that evening's helping of squirrel stew into Shane's face rather than scoop it politely onto his plate, but that was Carol. You couldn't undo years of silent compliance. Dale and Glenn seemed to exchange furtive glances as well, but Allison had no idea what that was all about. Other than Carol's grim behavior she mainly noticed that Daryl and T-Dog were unusually quiet during the meal. Well, T-Dog at least. Daryl was never a conversationalist, but as a rule he didn't usually eat with his eyes strictly focused on his plate as he did this evening. T-Dog, however, was always one to engage the others in idle chit-chat during a meal, with which Allison was always the first to join in, bringing up silly, irrelevant topics to keep the dinner atmosphere as light-hearted as possible. Happy, non-controversial conversation aided in digestion, she'd always been taught. Allison had a feeling that not only were the two men feeling guilty about not finding Sophia during their search mission that afternoon but that they were also remembering her stupid outburst about what Ed might have done to the girl, and her thoughtless remark about how Carol hadn't protected her.... Oh, when would she ever learn to control her tongue, she thought to herself.

Allison helped Carol and Lori collect the plates and utensils after the evening meal was finished. Andrea excused herself to take watch duty, and Dale retreated to the RV, hopefully to get some sleep for a change, Allison thought. That man never seemed to rest. Lori was very abrupt when Allison carried the used plates to the communal wash tub – "Thanks for your help, but Carol and I can handle it from here." She sighed and felt like a pariah. That was the last thing she wanted in such a small community; so far she'd strived to try and get along with everyone. She returned to her tent and plucked her toothbrush and toothpaste from her bag. She walked over to the communal pump and brushed her teeth and then returned to her tent, still feeling like an outcast.

"Knock knock," a familiar voice called quietly outside her tent while she was preparing for bed.

"Come on in," she said and Daryl entered, still looking unusually contemplative.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," she replied. "Have a seat."

He sat down on the chaise in her tent and studied her for several minutes before speaking. "You OK?" she finally asked him.

"I feel kinda bad," he replied.


"Comin' over to see ya without...well, without a proper gift or without takin' you out somewhere. Sometimes it just doesn't feel right." He raised his eyes to meet hers.

"The world has changed in the last few months," Allison replied. "I'm thinking that the old rules of dating don't apply anymore simply because of circumstance." She shyly walked over to the chaise and sat beside him. "I know that had we met and started dating in 'the other world' you'd be taking me out for dinner or coffee or a drink and sometimes I'd make you dinner at my tiny little apartment..."

Daryl restlessly ran his hand across his face and through his hair. "I just don't want you to ever think that I just come over because I know..." He hung his head in embarrassment.

Allison gently picked up Daryl's hand and entwined her fingers in his. "I hope that you know that I wouldn' know....with you unless I felt a special, emotional connection...I've had several guys make passes at me at college and at the hospital and such, but what I feel when I'm with you is not just a 'pass' – I've never felt as comfortable with a man or gone as far as I have with you." She pulled his hand to her lips and kissed his palm. "I just sometimes worry that I'm pressuring you into a serious relationship when you're not ready for something like that...."

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