Chapter 22

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The way everyone froze in place reminded Allison of Statues, a game she used to play as a kid during recess. "What?" Shane was the first to speak. "What are you talkin' about?"

"The barn," Glenn repeated, this time looking toward it and gesturing with his head, "there's walkers in the barn. A bunch of 'em."

Everyone abandoned their breakfast and followed Glenn and Shane to the barn in question. Shane walked up to the door and jiggled the padlock and chain loudly. The air was immediately filled with sound of groans and growls coming from within.

"Hell no, this ain't happenin', this ain't right," Shane rubbed his shaved head repeatedly and paced wildly. He stopped and addressed the group. "That's it, we're gettin' out of here. Start packing your shit, we're movin' out today."

"Whoah, hold on," Rick held up his hands and tried to calm Shane down. "We're not going anywhere."

"I'm not leaving until we find Sophia," Carol stated defiantly.

"Then we're getting our guns and defending ourselves."

"No, no, everyone just stay put until I talk to Hershel."

"There is nothing to discuss with Hershel, Rick. You know as well as I do this ain't right, that this is crazy -to have a barnful of geeks so close to camp! Talk to Hershel..." He spat derisively. "Ain't nuthin' to talk about except are you goin' to defend your family or not?"

"Listen to Rick, let him deal with this," Dale interjected. "Hershel has relatives in the barn – he thinks they're sick and that they'll eventually get better."

"What?" Shane faced Dale with fury in his eyes. "You knew about this, old man? And you didn't say anything?"

"I just found out yesterday. I figured one more night wouldn't do any harm, and it didn't. We're still safe, the barn is still locked."

"Does he seriously think those...people...are going to recover?" Allison asked curiously. "I mean, he's a doctor, did you tell him about the MRI we saw at the CDC? The extent of the brain damage? He'd probably understand if you explain that to him – he obviously should know that the human brain can regenerate itself in appearance but not in function – "

"Maybe it would help if you go with Rick and explain it to him, from a medical standpoint," Dale suggested.

"Would you be willing to?" Rick asked her. "It probably couldn't hurt."

"We can't leave this place," Lori said quietly.

Allison felt overwhelmed with all that was happening suddenly, with the swirl of voices coming from every side. "I suppose I can try..." she said slowly.

"Yeah, right, more talk...always talk..." Shane shook his head. But he reluctantly agreed to not do anything decisive until Rick had spoken to Hershel.

"In the meantime, we'll post a guard by the barn. We'll take turns like we do for watch duty."

"I'll take the first watch, just let me get my gun," Andrea volunteered and then trotted off to the RV.

"The rest of you stay clear of the barn, just to be on the safe side," Rick commanded.

The crowd slowly broke up and went their separate ways. Daryl approached Allison.

"You goin' now to talk to Hershel?"

"I guess so," she shrugged.

"OK, I'm going to saddle up a horse and try to follow that trail before it gets too cold."

"Horse?" Allison looked up at him with concern, knowing that he was still healing from his last exploration on horseback.

He bristled slightly; despite his feelings for this girl he still didn't like to be told what to do, and he resented any implication that he couldn't take care of himself.

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