Chapter XXVII

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Jake was going to kill me. How was it that I kept making him promises and breaking them within minutes? The second we were at the airport, I jumped out of the car with every intention of hailing a cab, getting all the way back to La Push, and never leaving again. Alice stood before me. "We need you, Ryanne," she said in her happy little bell voice.

"I don't want to help you; I want to go back home," I said, side stepping her. She just stood in front of me, a deathly glare on her face. "I won't help you. I'll tell them that I'm being kidnapped and you'll be arrested." I looked back at Bella. "What about Dad? How do you think he's going to feel after coming home from a week long trip and finding both his daughters gone?"

"Charlie will force himself to believe that you two went on some sisterly expedition, Ryanne. Believing that you went together to do something will be easier for him to swallow than Bella running away," Alice said quietly.

"Or I could leave right now and hide on the Rez for a week. Charlie would never have to know that I didn't go with my sister. We're already lying to him," I said.

"Or I could persuade you to stay," she replied with a smile.

"When he finds out I'm gone, you'll be lucky if you don't start a war," I said.

"We have friends, Ryanne. We have a lot of friends. We could kill all your friends, or you could come with me and be back in his arms before you even realize that you were in Italy," she said. She couldn't kill the wolves, could she? They were built to kill vampires. But one look in her eyes told me that she could, indeed, kill my boys.

"If anything happens to me-"

"Nothing is going to happen. We're going to go to Volterra, show Edward that Bella is still alive, and come home," she promised. What was I doing? Jake was going to kill me.

"If anything happens to anyone in the pack, I will personally kill you," I seethed.

"Okay, Buffy. Let's get going." I followed her bouncing steps to where Bella stood with our duffle bags.

"Thanks," she said as Alice purchased our tickets.

"Don't thank me, Bella. You and I are going to have a talk," I whispered darkly.

"I understand that you're angry," she said as she passed through the security scanner. The TSA agent just ignored us. I walked through, assumed the depicted position, and stormed out upon the man's signal.

"Angry doesn't begin to cover what I feel, Bella. But why don't we wait until we're seated to have this out," I suggested.

I followed behind them, pulling my phone from my duffle. "You can't," Alice said, dumping my device in the trash. "If you contact him, he'll only try to stop you."

"Maybe that's what I want," I countered.

"Ryanne, you said you would do this," Bella said quietly. I took a deep breath and counted to twenty.

"Remember what we talked about, Ryanne," Alice breathed in my ear. I looked down to find her smiling at me like I was her best friend.

"How can you threaten me with a smile?" I asked tightly. Her smile faltered.

"If this was your friends, your family that we were talking about, wouldn't you do anything you could to save them." She had a point, but she was human; she was a vampire. Maybe if this was some human; not even then. "I know that you don't think that we're people; that we don't have emotions. But we do and I love my brother. Even if you want us dead, you can't let him go out this way."

"It's his choice," I replied with a shrug, trying to ignore her words.

"Please help me save him. And then we'll take you back to your dog and he can rip us to shreds," she promised. Bella gasped in the background.

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