Chapter LXXXVII: Jacob's Point of View

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I had dropped her off at the house, kissing her rough and sweet in the hope that she would know that her mother was watching, but wanting to say goodbye to her properly. And then I paced the line that marked the Cullen territory, waiting anxiously for her to get in the car with her mother and drive away from Hell. So I was beyond freaking out when Renee's car drove away and I didn't smell Annie with her.

I could hear her arguing with her sister in the house, but I wasn't close enough to hear the words. I could hear her heartbeat pick up a little. What was going on there? I growled and paced a little faster, seriously contemplating crossing the line and going to get her.

Don't even think about it, Sam warned in my head.

She's over there, Sam. You'd go if it were Emily.

If Paul can manage to follow the rules, I know that you can do it too.

Paul's imprint isn't the one that is sitting in a house of vampires.

You will not cross the line, Sam commanded in his deep Alpha voice. I whimpered, my four legs falling out from underneath me as I tried to catch my breath. It wasn't necessary, but I guess it kept me from breaking the treaty.

If anything happens to her, so help me God Sam, I threatened, leaving the words hanging. As if on cue, I felt a vibrating tickle against my leg. I phased out and pulled on my shorts, digging for my phone as quickly as I could. I grabbed it up and answered her.

"Where are you?" I barked.

"I'm still at the Cullens'," she whispered in return. "My mom wants me to stay here tonight. She left without me."

"You are not staying there tonight, Ryanne."

"I know; I don't want to." Good, at least her brain was still working. "I can't walk on the street, Jake. People will asks questions."

"I don't care what people ask."

"That's great, Jake. I'm only trying to protect you. What am I supposed to say when people ask my why I'm walking down the side of the road? 'My sister is marrying a vampire and my boyfriend is actually my soulmate and he doesn't want me to stay at the vampires' house. So I'm just going to walk on back. But don't you worry, one of the Spirit Warriors will find me.'"

"You know, you keep threatening to do that, but I don't think you will."

"Bella wants you to come over. She said that she'll talk to Alice and get permission for you to come down here," she said. I could tell just the way that she was sitting next to Bella just by the way that she said the words.

"You can tell Bella that I'm not coming down there if her life depended on it."

"Or I could not say that," she responded. It didn't matter whether she said it or not. The leeches around her were hissing. It was probably so low that Annie didn't hear it, but I knew that they'd heard me. And if they were honest with Bella, she'd find out sooner of later. "I don't know how to get out of here, Jake."

The world around her was quiet, so I assumed that she had walked away from the others, probably hoping that they couldn't hear her. I was pacing the line, trying to figure out just how far of a walk that it was. It couldn't be more than five miles.

"It's not a short walk, Annie."

"I don't want to be here, Jake. Bella's hoping that you'll come down here so that she can talk to you."

"Did you tell her that I wasn't going to the wedding?" I was waiting for that reaction. I was only upset that I wasn't going to be there to see her little plan fall through.

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