Chapter CIII: Jacob's Point of View

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Sam was pacing inside of his living room, wearing holes in the floor. I couldn't smell any of the guys in the house, but I could smell Emily in the backyard. Annie was right; we had never killed anything that had a life source. It was leeches that we were meant to kill, monsters and things that were evil. Again, my girl was right: Bella wasn't evil. She was wrong about so many things, but I couldn't classify her as evil. Deranged, maybe. Yeah, definitely deranged. But it would drag all of us through hell and back to kill a living person, no matter how much we disliked her.

"Sam, we need to talk," I said.

"Good; I was about to call you. We need to find a way to get to that house and kill her without having the leeches know that we're coming," he said, pinching at his nose in his nervous way. "We can ask Collin and Brady to stay here on the Rez with the girls and Nate," he growled his name, still not liking the idea of Leah being happy with someone else. Although none of us would admit it to him, Leah was happier with Nate than she had ever been with Sam. "That will keep the imprints safe in case the Cullens decide to retaliate."

"Sam, we can't do this," I said quietly. I was Beta; I was supposed to have some say in this shit and here he was, planning without me.

"We just have to find away to get into the house or to get her out," Sam continued muttering.

"Sam, we can't," I said louder now.

"What do you mean we can't do this? There aren't enough of them to go up against us, Jake," he replied dismissively.

"We can not kill a human."

"That baby is not a human, Jacob; it's a monster."

"I'm not talking about the parasite; I'm talking about Bella. Bella is still human. Our job is to protect the human. Until Bella is a vampire or dies, we can't kill her," I insisted.

"Are you sure this isn't just Ryanne talking? It's her sister we're talking about, after all," Sam growled.

"She doesn't care about Bella living. She agrees that Bella has made a life choice that the rest of us don't agree with, but it is still Bella's choice. Bella is alive still. No matter how much we don't like her, she is still a human. Annie agrees that as soon as she's a vampire or dead, we can kill her and the baby. Nothing will change her mind, Sam. She's just as stubborn as me sometime." I didn't want to smile at this; it wasn't funny. The two of us but heads worse than rams.

"You don't get to make this decision, Jacob. I am Alpha."

"And as Alpha, you have made questionable decisions for the last few months Sam. You have but your own personal needs before that of the Pack and the tribe."

"And you haven't? You're sitting here asking me not to kill a threat because you're still in love with her!"

"Fuck off, Sam; we both know that I don't love Bella. You've been in my head; you've seen it. You know that I don't love her. So fuck off and get real. You have a job to do here, Sam. So do it right."

"And what's your idea of right, Jake? Should I go over there with a gift basket for their demon kid?" he growled at me.

"That's not what I'm saying and you know it, Sam. But we have laws within our pack that we abide by and we do not kill humans. Bella is not a threat to us, Sam; the baby is. Once it's born we can kill it. And Bella too if she's a vampire. Biting a human breaks the treaty, Sam. We're within our grounds. But if you kill her before then, you are inciting a war," I said to him.

He slammed his beer down on the counter, glass shattering everything.

"We are killing Bella, Jacob." The hand tightened around my heart, squeezing my lungs and almost taking the life from me. But this was wrong. We couldn't kill a human. It went against everything that we stood for.

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