Chapter LIX

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"Jake, I have to go to this thing," I said as I was sorting through my clothing on the bed that we shared.

"You're not going, Annie. You going off to a house full of vampires was no part of my plan, remember?" Yeah; his genius master plan. The one that included me being on the Rez, in the house, and surrounded by wolves every moment of my life.

"It's only for a little while," he said like he'd been reading my thoughts.

"Jake, I need to go to this thing tonight. My sister is graduating and my dad expects me to go. He doesn't know that Bella is the reason for all of this."

"I expect you to stay safe," he growled. "And so does your father. Which means that I clearly win this argument and we can be finished with it."

"It doesn't work like that, Jake," I said, getting frustrated with him. This was getting ridiculous.

"You said it yourself: the Cullens have never protected you. I'm not letting you go."

"My dad will wonder why I'm not there," I pointed out.

"You had more important plans."

"More important than celebrating my sister's upcoming eternal death, I mean graduation?"

"Or you could tell him that your shape shifting boyfriend won't let you into your sister's vampire boyfriend's house."

"Or not," I replied. "You don't have anything to worry about. I'll be home as soon as I've stayed long enough to tell my dad that I was there," I said, picking up my sheer gold tank top.

"If you were going, which you're not, you're not wearing that," he took it from me and stuffed it back in my drawer.

"Why not? I was going to wear a tank top underneath it."

"You wore it on our first date. I won't have it smelling of leech," he said simply.

"It's the only nice outfit that I own, Jake," I said, pulling the drawer open. Jake's arms were around me in an instant, pulling me away. "It's the only thing I own that I look nice in, Jake. Be reasonable."

"You be reasonable, Ryanne. I'm not letting you go into that house alone."

"I'll ask Sam," I said, struggling in his arms.

"Is there a reason that you like near death experiences?" he growled, his muscles flexing as he held me closer. I could feel his nose in my hair, breathing deeply.

"It's not a near death experience," I said. "It's a graduation party."

"In a house owned by vampires. That's asking for death."

"I'll be home before you know it."

"I don't trust that," he said. "It's nothing to do with you, Rye, but every time that I leave you, something goes wrong; whether you're on the Rez or not. I leave you on the Rez, you almost drowned, you were almost raped, you had a seizure. I let you off the Rez, you find your way to Italy in a city that is literally run by vampires, you get attacked by leeches on multiple occasion."

"Only two!"

"I'm not letting you go, Annie. You're too important to me." His lips found the soft skin under my ear, forcing me to melt against him.

"Please, Annie," he whispered. That boy had to know what he did to me. His breath was whispering across the back of my neck. "Stay here with me."

I shuddered and took a deep breath. "No, Jake; I'm going to this thing after I go talk to Sam and I'll be back before you know it." He groaned and let me go.

The Consequences {Jacob Black} Where stories live. Discover now