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"I have nothing to wear," I said more to myself than to anyone else, tossing every piece of clothing I owned on my bed.

"This is ridiculous." I had never worried about what I was going to wear. This was stupid! When Jake had asked me out on Wednesday night, I didn't think much of it. I mean, I was ecstatic about the prospect of going on the date; that wasn't the problem. But I had waited my entire life for those words to come out of that boy's mouth. I could wait another two days.

Wrong! When he had said the words, something must have switched in my brain because I was the most impatient person in the world. I pestered him for details, but all I was told was not to dress fancy. Which was probably a good thing because we didn't really do fancy. We? What was I talking about? Jake could probably do whatever he wanted. I couldn't do fancy.

Kim was supposed to come and help me figure this outfit stuff out, but Jared refused to let her off the Rez. Not that I could blame him. Jake had a hard enough time with me coming home to get clothing on, even when my dad was sitting downstairs. And Edward was only allowed in the house when they were downstairs and Dad was home. Until dinner; Edward had to leave at dinner. Jake, however, was allowed over whenever he wanted. Which would be great, if the treaty allowed him in the house. Why couldn't Bella just get a normal, human boyfriend?

Dad and I hadn't spoken about the whole Jake and me thing again, which was probably for the best. Conversation wasn't exactly our forte. Still, Jake had asked him if we could go on this date tonight and Dad had agreed. My half grounding was slowly dwindling as I became the daughter that he remembered. I was back at home, safe and sound and with Jake. I was feeling like my old self. I was happy and sarcastic and a little crass. I went to flop down on my bed, but quickly remembered it was covered in clothes. Right, back to the task at hand.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket.

"I can't do this," I told Leah quickly.

"Oh stop being dramatic," she said rudely.

"I'm sorry, when was the last time you went on a date?"

"Well that was rude. And here I was calling to offer advice to my only other bitch," she said.

"Okay, okay; I'm sorry."

"You should be. Jake won't shut up about tonight. You should hear the thoughts running through his brain. It's like a broken record."

"So, he's excited?"

"God, you imprints are all the same. You do know it's physically impossible for them not to be excited?"

"You're not helping with my worries about imprint magic, Bitch," I said lovingly.

"You two are different," she said simply.


"You're not cow that my ex-boyfriend left me for and you're much cooler than the little Conwell thing," she said.

"I thought we had an agreement? I won't try to push you and Emily together and you will hold the bitter comments to yourself."

"I'm not bitter!"

"And I'm not pale."

"Fine, whatever; besides, you and Jake are still different. Should-Be-Alpha has loved you since you guys were like babies. My mom says the moms on the Rez used to bet about when you two would get married. That's just gross, if you ask me."

It was kind of gross, but that wasn't what was going through my head. Leah said that she had been listening to Jake's thoughts.

"Leah, do you know what we're doing tonight?"

The Consequences {Jacob Black} Where stories live. Discover now