Chapter XXXII: Jacob's Point of View

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Light was streaming through the single window, making me see red geometric shapes beneath my lids. I pried my eyes open, wiping something soft away from my face. And as my eyes focused, I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or in Heaven; maybe dreaming of Heaven.

An angel lay before me, her hands resting limply against my chest. I was turned on my side towards her, my arms wrapped around her like an iron cage. Her nose was pressed against my sternum, the hot air brushing against my skin. She looked so peaceful, her cheeks flushed with life.

I waited for everything to change, for the Cullens to appear in the distance behind us. She shifted, sending uncomfortable tingles through my arm. I was awake; this wasn't a dream. I was really holding Annie in my arms. I pulled back to look at her. 

"Jake," she muttered, wiggling back into my embrace. She sighed in contentment, pressing her little toes against my calf.

I looked at the clock. So much for sleeping a little; although I hadn't looked before we'd fallen asleep. It was one in the afternoon, but I felt like I could sleep for days. Annie rolled in my arms, wriggling until she was carefully pressed against the length of my body.

I curled my arm tighter, drawing her even closer and tucked my knees behind hers. The little hand beneath mine twined our fingers together. Clearly Annie wasn't waking up any time soon. So I joined her, content to just hold her in my arms.


I sensed someone in my room before I even opened my eyes. I growled and spun Annie beneath me, pressing her into the mattress and looking over at... my dad. 

"Sorry," he whispered, looking carefully at the little body shielded underneath me. "It's good to see you again, Ryanne. You're dad is on the phone for you."

I felt Annie nod her head, her hair brushing my chest as she did so. Dad wheeled himself away and, not for the first time, I thought I should replace my door. 

"I should get that," Annie croaked, her voice hoarse. She licked her lips, swallowed hard, and cleared her throat. "And maybe some water."

"Let's go," I said, standing up but instantly wishing I had her back in my arms. Annie stood and straightened the shirt I had put on her. The loose shorts weren't as loose as I had thought. They clung to her hips, stopping mid thigh, an inch below my shirt.

I sat on the counter beside the phone, stuffing a muffin in my mouth. "Hey Dad," she whispered.

"What happened to calling me?" Charlie said through the phone.

"I fell asleep and forgot," she replied, blushing a little. I stopped listening to her conversation then, choosing to focus on her curly hair, the drape of my shirt over her frame. "Okay, I'll have Jake bring me home. Can I just clean up a little and make Billy Lunch? It'll be like half an hour?"

"No more than an hour, Beans."

"What's wrong?" I asked as she hung up the phone.

"I was supposed to call my dad last night, but I-uh, forgot to," she said blushing a little redder. I was still staring at her as she moved away from the kitchen. She stopped with her hand on the frame of the hallway entrance. "Maybe we can talk after lunch?"

There was a look of fear in her eyes, like she was afraid I would tell her no. 

"Actually, Ryanne, I'm heading for Sue's. She needs some of us here for her," Dad said, wheeling down the hall. Annie moved out of his way, bending down to kiss his cheek. Dad gripped her elbow to keep her in place. "No one is mad at you, Ryanne," I heard him whisper. She just nodded.

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