Chapter 3

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We followed the flying and fire type bird for what seemed like hours. I have never done so much walk since I had to work on my poster. I had to carry a book on my head for hours and I had to walk across the ballroom. It was a pain and the coach would just yell at me over and over.

We finally reached to where Team Rocket was. "Now that we got the princesses pokemon we will be stronger than ever." I heard one of them say. Ash just stares their like it is nothing new to hear that the princess's pokemon got stolen. I quickly looked over to see Braixen with a frown on her face. The sight of her in a small cage made me want to kill Team Rocket. I wait a little bit to see what Ash was going to do but he did nothing. I was ready to kill Team Rocket already so I took this into my own hands.

"Sylveon I choose you." I say while throwing her pokeball out there.

"What are you doing?" Ash asked me.

"I am going to get my friend back." I don't even look back at him before I call out my next command. "Sylveon use swift." I say.

"Gourgeist come out and use shadow ball." Jessie yells. I watch as I see swift cut right threw shadow and caused an explosion.

"Sylveon use fairy wind into iron tail now." I yell. Gourgeist loses it's balance and gets sent back flying into a tree. I watch as Sylveon's tail starts glowing white. I know this will weaken the Gourgeist just enough so I can get the cage to open.

"Lveon." The eevee evolution pokemon cried out as both attacks has successfully landed.

"Nice job. Now use Iron Tail on the cage." I commanded.

"Syl." The pokemon cried out as its tail began to glow white. With a few hits the cage broke open and Braixen rain straight over to me.

"I got this you take your pokemon and leave now." I could here the order in Ash's voice as he said that.

"Come on you two we have to leave now." We ran and ran through the forest till we finally reached the town again. I pull out Pancham's pokeball and let him out. "Guys we need to be a lot more careful if we are going to be out here. We don't know what people are going to do if they knew who we are." All the pokemon nodded in agreement. "Now let's go find the dress shop once again."

We walked around for like half an hour till we finally come across the dress shop. My always told me that we get all special dresses from this place but the usually come to use but for this one they couldn't for some reason. As I went through the door a bell right above the door went off. "Welcome Princess I have been expecting you for a long time now." An old man said while come out behind a curtain.

"Yes I am sorry I got lost on my way hear and then I ran into Team Rocket. I am truly  sorry for holding you up." I say. I am really sorry. I knew my mom told the place that I was coming but they thought it would have been yesterday.

"It's ok Princess. Anyways I was just about to go watch a battle in the town square. Would you like to join me to cheer on the village." The old man gave a weak smile.

"I would love to see how good the trainers and pokemon in the town are. I already showed the town one of my performances and now it is their turn to show me how good they can battle."

"Did I really missed a performance of yours? I really wish I was there to see that. Your mom says you are the best at it and your performances and are amazing and beautiful at the same time."

"My mother always says that but I still have a lot of work to do if I want to be the best at it."

"I would love to see one so I can know your style so I can make a dress that would fit you perfectly."

"I would gladly perform for you."

"Well we better get to the battle before it starts." The old man started to walk out the store and me and my pokemon quickly try to catch up to him. As we walked through the village everyone was running they way we were walking.

"Why is everyone running to get to the battle?" I really wanted to know all about the village so why not ask some more questions.

"Well this is not a normal battle. The trainers battling are the best in town. They are both battling to see who will go and meet the princess and hopefully be the new prince." The old man probably knew everything that was going on in town when I didn't know people were battling for my hand.

"What do you mean battling for my hand? My mother never told me any of this and if I knew this was going on I would have stopped it before this happened." I tried my best not to yell but I ended raising my voice a little causing people to stare at me.

"Well your mother wanted someone that could protect you from danger so she decided it had to be the best trainer. Most people just did it to get money for their family so they can get a better house or food but the two left are doing it for you." As he said that both my and my pokemon stopped walking and just stared at the old man.

"Who are the two that are battling for my hand?" If they are battling for my hand I would like to know cause I am not an easy girl to win over.

"Well you can see for yourself." Right when the old man said that I looked up and saw the two trainers on the battlefield. One I have never seen before but  the other I knew was Ash. I was happy to see Ash fighting out there cause I already know him kinda.

"Pikapi pi pika." Pikachu yelled to his trainer. Ash looked over and saw me standing by the old man.

"Hey Grandpa." I turned and saw a guy running towards us.

"Oh hello Gary. It is nice to see you here." Oh so the old man is Gary's grandpa. "Princess this is my grandson Gary Oak."

"Nice to meet you." Gary said with a little bow.

"Nice to meet you two but please don't bow I want to be treated as a person from the village." Gary nodded so I knew he understood.

"Well the battle is about to start we should probably get to our seats Gary and Princess." Mr. Oak said.

"Sorry Grandpa it is just so wonderful to see the princess in real life." Gary replied. With that it caused me to blush a little cause I never thought someone would really want to meet me before. We walked through the crowd till we came across a raised platform.

"Princess this is where we sit to see the whole battle play out." Mr. Oak informed me. On the platform was 2 normal seats and a thrown right in the middle. I walked over to the throw and sat down just like I was in the throne room. Everyone looked up to see me sitting in the throne and everyone started to whisper all around me.

"Welcome everyone to the final battle to see who will go to the castle to win the princess over. All of you might of noticed but the princess is here to watch this battle. Trainers is it a normal battle. Each trainer has 3 pokemon they can use and change out anytime. If any trainer cheats they will not be able to go meet the princess and they should be ashamed that they did that in front of the princess.  Now let the battle begin." Gary announced. In my mind I knew who I wanted to win but I was scared that he wasn't going to.

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