Chapter 13

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I sat in my cell in the farthest corner from the door. Tears streamed down my face. My clothes are ripped and covered in dirt and tears. I have counted the days that went by. I have been in this cell for 7 days but it seems like a year. They have done everything to me.

"Serena it is time for you to go back to your castle. I think now you know what to do and how to follow rules." My main torturer said. I wanted to go back. Back where I was safe. Back to where all my guards were. Back to my mother. I started to think about how much my mother is going to hate me for running away. More tears streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I started to mumble over and over again. My main torturer came and pulled me up from my feet.

"My love don't be too shaken up." He said with an evil smirk. I was nothing but a mess now. They turned me into nothing. They broke my walls and made me nuts. He picked me up princess style and started to walk out the hell hole where they kept me.

(Ash POV)

It has been a week and I still couldn't find Serena. I don't know why I love her so much but I just do. Misty kept telling me to forget about her. But for some reason I just can't. I know I should move on because she might of ran off to her castle but I feel like she didn't.

"Ashy what's wrong." Misty said looking at me concreded. We decided to watch a movie because it was pouring down with rain outside. I decided not to go back to the castle and stay with Misty at her place.

"Nothing Misty." She asks me this everyday.

"Ashy if this is about the princess then you should stop thinking about her. She ran away from you. I would never do that Ashy." Misty scotched closer to me. I just wish I knew where Serena was.

(Serena's POV)

My main torturer brought me back to my castle but right before we reached the castle he passed me off to Calem. I didn't have the energy to fight anymore. I was just happy to be home again. Ash is now with Misty and I am where I belong. I belong in this castle. I don't even remember my own father. I am a princess and they get forced to marry other people so that is what I must be.

I will become queen and have a king by my side. I will have royal babies when the king wants them. I will have no power. I will do whatever the king says. I am just a princess that will become queen.

(Let me explain this. So Serena is doubting herself a lot. She is going to start thinking like a normal princess. I know this seems like I am stereotyping this but I don't want to be. I just want Serena to be different than what she was so this is how she is now.)

Calem walked up to the gate and the guards went crazy seeing me in Calem's arms. They let us threw and Calem took me to my mother's office.

"Come in you two. Serena I was so worried about you." Calem sat me down on the couch and I slowly curled up into a ball. "What is wrong with my daughter. I swear Calem if you hurt my daughter in anyway you will be killed."

"No Queen. She was kidnapped by Ash himself." I knew Calem was going to do this. He always turns everything into Ash. My heart started to hurt at the thought of Ash.

"LET ME GO! HE WILL COME TO FIND ME! YOU WILL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS!" I screamed seeing my torturer coming closer and closer to me. "DON'T TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN! MY GUARDS WILL FIND YOU AND KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME! ASH HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Serena calm down. You are home now. You are safe honey." My mother's loving voice filled my ears.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" I started to cry as memories started to flood back into my mind. My head started to pound with all these memories. My mother's eyes filled with sadness.

"Guards who ever did this to my daughter must pay. Post out warnings throughout the whole kingdom." My mother yelled to the guards. I started to shack. Soon my vision went blurry and then I couldn't see anything anymore.

(Ash POV) (A day after that)

"Ashy come on. We're going to be late." Misty pulled on my wrist. I don't know why she wanted to get to this town meeting so much. Every scene I lost Serena I haven't been myself.

As we entered the town square we saw everyone in the town there. I looked up to see two guards on the town hall steps. This can only mean one thing. There is an important message from the royal family. A guard that I remember from the castle came out of the town hall doors.

"Greetings Pallet Town. I was sent here from the Queen herself. Princess Serena was kidnapped when she was here." I guards voice echoed through the town. I can't believe I let Serena get kidnapped. "Calem from Kalos brought Serena back says that Ash Ketchem was the one who kidnapped her." I stared in disbelief. This is the classic Calem. "The queen wants Ash to be found and brought back to the castle. If you know where he is tell us immediately. " I looked around and saw guards walking around the town. Maybe I should just go with them. I don't want to be with Misty or alive when Serena marries someone else.

I was deep in thought when a guard came behind me and grabbed me hands.

"You are coming with me Ash." The guard whispered into my ear. He pushed me over to a car and locked me in the back seats. Well I guess death is coming early for me.

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