Chapter 8

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After lunch we all went and played some games in the garden. The big one was hide and seek. It was a lot of fun just hanging around people my age and having fun. I am so tired of hanging around princess and princes but I guess that will never change. I just hope every day will be like this and not work, work and more work.

It was now after dinner time and my Pokemon were helping me get into my dress we made this morning.

(Sorry I am working from my phone

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(Sorry I am working from my phone. Serena's dress)

We put on the finishing touches and quickly hooked up the microphone. "Alright guys I have to go before I get into big trouble." I say.

"Pan cham ham pa." Pancham yelled.

"Yeah I know Pancham. I will be very careful and if he starts to beat me up really bad then you can come and kick his but." I whispered into Pancham's ear. Pancham nodded and let me finally leave the room.

As I walked down the hallway all the maids were looking at me. It was weird cause usually they would just go on and do there job and not stare. It was driving me crazy. I hurried my pace across the castle and soon I was in a full out sprint. Once Calem's door came into view I slowed down to a simple walking speed. I went up to the door and quietly knocked on the door. I heard some shuffling around before the door opened.

"Princess you finally showed up." Calem said with a big smirk right across his face.

"I only came because I was afraid for the life of other people." I was shocked at how calmly I talked but I guess I just picked it up when I started talking to the press.

"Well Princess come in." Calem stepped back into his room. I slowly and carefully walked into his room. Right when I was fully in he shut the door and quickly locked it. I was really starting to freak out now.

"What do you want?" I asked as my hands where starting to shack. I looked all around the room for some type of clue.

"Why are you so nervous Princess. You should get use to this cause soon you will see me everyday when I become king." Calem put a smirk right back on his face.

"We both know that you will not become king as long as I am here." I tried to calm myself down a bit but it only failed.

"Don't be scared. I would hurt you that much." His smirk grew big by the second. I wanted to scream but I knew if I did the hit would hurt me. "Princess I told you to calm down so calm down." His voice sent shivers down my spine. I hated this every second.

"Calem please do what you want to do so I go to bed and be ready for tomorrow. Please." I was close to tears by now but I knew I might be strong enough to keep them in. I didn't want this monster to see me cry at all.

"I might but I have some rules to teach you." I was truly scared now. "Number one. You will not speak to Ash in less I tell you you can speak to him. But that's what you did all day so you will need to get a punishment." Without warning I took a punch right to my stomach making my clench my stomach in pain. "Rule number two. I don't want you wearing anything to reviling around any other guy." With that he went and landed another punch on my stomach. I lost my balance from the pain and I ended up falling down to the ground.

Calem went on and on about rules till I started coughing up blood. That's when I knew I need someone to save me. If I could just get over to the door and unlock it I could maybe call for a guard of just someone that might hear me. I slowly started to get up as Calem had his back to me. I went and slowly made my way to the door. I used what ever strength I had left to unlock the door and pull it open.

"HELP SOMEONE! PLEASE ANYONE I NEED HELP!" I screamed with all my might. This got Calem to look at me and when I looked at him all I saw the devil in his eyes.

"Bitch!" That is all he shouted till he went and grabbed me by hair and tossed me in the wall making my cough up for blood. He started to kick my stomach harder and harder till it just stopped. I opened my eyes which I didn't know I closed to see Calem getting beat up by what looks like Ash. It is Ash. Ash continued to beat Calem up. I looked out the door to see my Pokemon running to me.

"Pancham, Braixen and Sylveon I am so glad to see you guys." They all rush over to me and help me get back to my feet. I was only on my feet for a little bit  before I fell back down wincing in pain.

"Serena don't move or you might hurt yourself more." Ash said while leaving an unconscious Calem to come over to help me.

"I don't think I can walk all the way back to my room." I look down at my dress which had blood all over it. My Pokemon just sat there next to my looking at me in horror.

"You can just stay in my room for the night if you want. Or I can carry you to your room." Ash looked at me with kindness in his eyes.

"Do you mind if I stay with you cause I don't want to go back to my room by myself." I was shacking bad. My ocean blue eyes showed nothing but wordiness and they were full of sacredness.

"Here let me help you up." He put his hands under me to try to help me up but I winced from pain from where j hit the wall and I jumped from the sudden touch.

"Sylveon can you use your ribbons to help me up please." I looked at my newest Pokemon who had fear in her eyes. She slowly used her ribbons to slowly guide me up off the ground. Ash stood by me ready to ketch me if I fell.

"My room is the next room over." Ash helped me walk to his room but right when I entered his room I started to feel dizzy. I started to see spots of black black before I slowly felt myself falling forward till my mind went blank and I didn't know what was going on anymore. Everything went black.


Hey guys I started school and my weekends are already getting packed cause I race and my family likes to go camping a billion times. I will try to post at least on chapter a week in one of my books but don't yell at me if I don't cause I have school which is really hard this year. My math class is high school credit this year so my dad is putting a lot of pressure on me. My family is also making me worried about my racing this year so with all the stuff going on and me being stressed out I might not write as much as I want to so. DO NOT COMPLAIN OR ANYTHING IF YOU DO I WILL STOP WRITING THAT WEEK AND MAKE YOU WAIT LONGER.

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