Chapter 17

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The sun was now setting and I was still deep in the forest. I am supposed to be back before midnight but I know that will never happen. I don't want to go back and get married to the devil. I know Ash would come and save but there is still a chance he might of just left me. I have no Pokemon to help me through the forest. I have nothing. I don't know how to survive in the forest. I was spoiled.

My father, the king, was better then my mother. He always made sure I was true to myself. My mother always wanted me to be ladylike. She wanted me to marry a prince and unite the two kingdoms. My mother always punished me when I wasn't lady like but my father always saved me. I miss him so much.

He died when I was young. I was eight at the time. My father was about to leave to go to town. He had ten guards with him. All but one was very close with my father. The guards say that they were in the forest when they soon got split up. All nine guards that were close to me father got separated from my father. The only guard left with the king was the one that had hatred towards him. When they found my father his was dead. He had a dagger sticking  out of his chest. The guard that everybody thinks that killed him disappeared. We tried looking for him but no one has heard of him. 

As I walked farther into the forest I got more lost. I looked up to the stars wondering where I was. I walked into a little clearing and sat down under a tree. I stared at the only mountains in the kingdom. I watched a flock of fletchings flew into the trees. The forest was so peaceful. As I watched the pokemon take shelter for the night I felt my eyelids get heavier. Soon I was in a peaceful sleep.

Ash's POV

I walked through the forest with my two pokemon by my side. In less than a week my true love will get married to someone else if I don't stop the wedding. It was close to midnight but I will not stop to take a break. I walk into a clearing and see a figure at the other side. 

"Greninja climb into the trees to see what is over there and Pikachu charge up electro ball." I whisper. Greninja jumps up into the trees and disappears into the shadows. Pikachu has a ball of lightning on his tail. Greninja is right above the figure but doesn't give a nod to say it is safe.

"Pikachu now." I yell. The ball of lighting flies across the clearing and hits the figure. The figure lets out a loud scream, piercing my ears. I slowly crossed the clearing to the strange figure to see a girl. She had honey blond hair and crystal blue eyes. She was covered in black from the shock of electricity.  She started to cough.

"Ash?" She whispered between coughs. That's when it clicked. The girl infront of my was Serena.

"Serena!" I said full of joy. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a big hug.

"Ash." She let out another cough. 

"Here let me get you some water." I reach into my backpack and pull out my water bottle. I opened the water bottle and placed it up to her lips. I slowly tipped it as she took big gulps. Once she drank all the water I put the lid back on and placed it in my backpack. "Serena what are you doing out here?"

"I ran away. My mother is making me marry the devil and I can't take it anymore. I felt with the help of my maid. I left my pokemon behind though." She looked down at her hands. Her eyes were full of sadness. 

"Serena don't be sad. We will get through this. You will not marry that guy. I will always be there for you no matter what." I gently lift her head so she is looking at me. I bend down and kiss her. She instantly kissed back. She wraps her arms around my neck while I place my hands on her cheeks. I brake the kiss and but my forehead on hers. "I love you Serena."

"I love you too." She pulls me back into another kiss.

(Next day) Serena's POV

I woke up in Ash's arms. I instantly blush. "There she is!" I hear someone scream.

"Ash wake up." I shake him violently and he slowly gets up. "Ash we have to run." I grab onto his hand and run into the forest. 

"Serena why are we running?" Ash asked. I was soon stopped when we ran into royal guards. 

"That's why! Now we really has to haul ass!" I quickly turn around and was about to start running when a guard grabs me by my hair and pulls me back.

"Let! Her! Go!" Ash yelled. Ash's and Greninja's eyes both turned red. Soon Greninja had water twirling around him. "Greninja! Water shuriken now!" Greninja formed two water shuriken and threw them at the guards. The guards quickly released their pokemon. The guard that had me picked me up and started to run to the castle. I kicked and screamed but I couldn't get out of his grip. I took one last look at Ash. I saw he was almost done beating the guards but greninja wasn't in good shape. I guess 10 vs. 1 is hard for a pokemon. I felt tear streaming down my face. My vision went blurry from all the tears.

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