Chapter 16

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Serena's POV

It has been one month since Ash left. My mother is making me get married in a week and trust me this is no fun. Calem still beats me up but Mary helps me hide them. I don't know why I hide them but I do. I completely lost hope. Both me and my pokemon have lost happiness. My kingdom can't wait to see me get married and be the queen. I am somewhat back to normal. I don't have too many weird flashbacks. Only when someone does something like my kidnapper did. I started to hide more in my room and not talk to anyone. My mother only thinks it's my nerves but I know it's from me having no happiness.

"Serena time for your last dress fitting." My mother's voice comes through the door. I sigh and get off my bed. I head out the door and get lead by guards to a parlor on my floor. I have to have guards take me everywhere because my mother is scared I will try to run away. One of my guards knock on the door. Another guard came and opened it.

"Serena honey, come in. Quick we need this dress perfect. It will be in every magazine. Every girl would want to be you." My mother started to walk to me. She bent down to my ear and whispered. "If you don't make this perfect then you will not become queen and see your little Ash again." I gulped at the thought of something happening to Ash.

"I will only do this so nothing bad happens." I whisper back.

"Oh sweetie, you don't know what I can do." She smiled at me then went to talk to the dress designer. I look over to see Guard Wiston guarding the door. He sent me a quick smile then made everything seem better.

"Honey come on. Mr. Oak doesn't have all day." My mother called across the room.

"Coming." I slowly made my way across the room. I stood there for what seemed liked hours and it probably was. During this all I was able to think about Ash. The thought of him getting hurt made me sick to my stomach.

"I am going to throw up mother." I rush to the door but right before I got out the door I heard my mother tell Mary to follow me. I ran my way down the hall to the bathroom. I burst into the bathroom and hovered over the toilet.

"Princess you are going to be ok." I hear Mary say from behind me. I feel her hands hold back my hair. Once I was done Mary helped me get back to my room. Mary helped me into my pajamas. I was laying in bed about to fall asleep when I heard Mary let Calem in.

"Princess your mother told me everything that happened are you ok?" Calem asked.

"Why are you here? You don't even care about me!" I shouted.

"You are right I don't, but what I do care about is power. Having you as a wife is a plus. Just to let you know I know Ash will be at the wedding but someone else will be to." Calem whispered in my ear.

"GET OUT BEFORE I HAVE YOU KILL!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I didn't want to handle that guy anymore. Calem just did a quick nod and left.

"Mary can you help me get changed into something more common. I don't want to be in this castle anymore and I don't want to be caught." I look over at my maid to see her staring at me.

"Of course Princess." Mary ran over to my closet and started to look through all my clothes.

(Bring Serena to Alola region)

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(Bring Serena to Alola region)

Mary quickly picks out some clothes and helps me get changed. "How can I get out with out my mother noticing?" I ask.

"I can take you down to where the maids and guards stay and sneak you out that door." Mary says like it is a peace of cake.

"Really Mary! You are the best." I quickly jump up and give her a big hug.

"Now come on. If you are going out of the castle then we should get a move on." Mary opened the door and we wakes in silence down the halls. We soon get to where the maids and guards stay. She leads me down the hallway to a door.

"This door locks after midnight. So you have to be back before then or you are not getting back in." Mary opens the door and says one last thing. "Don't let anyone know who you are or something might happen. Also be safe." I give her one last hug before waving good bye and running into the now familiar forest.

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