Birthday Surprise.

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Dakota's POV.

"Chaney!" I shout out to my brother.

"What?" Is his reply.

"Me and mum made dinner, you have to set up the table."

He groans and pauses his game on his iPad.

"Kay." He grumpily replies and barges past me and out the door.

I skip behind him and joyfully bounce down each step of the stairs, heading into the kitchen.

"It's your birthday tomorrow!" Mum says to me, placing her famous lasagna dish in the middle of the island.

"I know! Gabby and George and Liam and Sophie and Charlotte's coming!" I say in one breath. "But you," I sat, pointing to Chaney. "Are not invited."

Mum swatted my hand away from Chaney's face. "Don't be so horrible. Of course he's invited. It is his little sisters birthday, after all."

He turns and pokes his tongue out at me. So I do the same.

"Stop it." Mum says, reaching over pans to pull Chaney's tongue.

I quickly snap my mouth shut so she can't do the same to me.

"Now eat." She orders.

I look down and notice mum has already set our food out for us.

I pick up my fork and start to scoff down the food, not waiting for anyone else.


I fall off my bed when I feel someone slap me in the face.

"Happy birthday, butt face." I am greeted to Chaney's cheesy grin.

I don't bother saying thanks as I pick myself and my teddy up from the floor.

"Is Dakota awake?" I hear mum shout from downstairs.

"Yes." Me and Chaney say at the same time.

He glares at me whilst I give him an innocent smile.

"Happy birthday, Dakota!" Mum comes in shouting at me.

"Thanks mummy!" I run up to her and envelope her in a tight embrace, locking my hands together by her back.

"Your bath is already run. Go get in it and then you can have your presents."

"Yey!" I squeal as I run towards the bathroom with my onesie on.

I spot my clothes piled up on the lid of the laundry basket and the bath filled to the rim with warm water and bubbles.

I quickly strip of my clothes, leaving them dumped on the floor and jump into the bath, causing a loud splash and bubbles to go everywhere.

Playing for about five minutes with the toy submarine and the bubbles, I see the sponge sitting in the corner so I make my way to grab it and put some soap on it, standing up and scrubbing myself squeaky clean.

I see my yellow duck towel hanging on the sink so I take it as I pull out the sponge and climb out of the bath.

With the hood of the duck towel, I use it to dry my hair and with the body, I use to dry everything else.

I quickly cream myself and put on my purple dress with the black ankle socks.

"Hurry up!" I hear Chaney moan from outside, encouraging me to go slower.

"Okey dokey!" I shout as I pick up my clothes one by one and dump them in the basket.

I finally brush my teeth and gallop out of the bathroom door towards my mums room.

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