All Is Revealed

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Dakota's POV.

"Lets ask google!" I huff to Chaney as I collapse on the soft patch of grass.

"Google doesn't have the answer for everything, Kota." He states, rolling his eyes at me.

"But maybe-"

"Yes, because we are simply going to type 'how to levitate' and a step-by-step guide will pop up."

"Fair point." I grumble.

"Lets get back. Zayn and Chloe will be looking for us soon." Chaney says, standing up from his position on the floor.

"Not like anything will happen to us anyway." I mumble as I dust stray pieces of grass off my clothes.

We walk back in a comfortable silence, the smell of the forest making my wolf restless.

"We need to go out for a run sometime. In our wolf form, I mean." I say to Chaney who just turns to look at me.

"And risk the pack seeing us?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Well Kai is getting restless and I'm pretty sure she will burst out of me soon enough."

He doesn't say anything but he continues to walk back to the house.

'Tonight.' He mumbles through mind link as he fades off up the stairs.

I make my way to the living room and sit down on the couch in front of the tv.

"Theirs another three!" I hear someone shout outside in the garden, followed by the cracking of bones and snarling.

Chaney comes rushing down the stairs and we both make our way to the kitchen.

Chaney slowly goes to the garden door and softly pushes it open, letting a gasp fall from his lips.

I rush to his side using inhuman speed and follow his moves, being appalled at the sight.

Zayn, Chloe and Darren in wolf form, battling with four other rouges. All grey wolves.

"They look like-"

I cut off Chaney with a glare. "Don't say it." I warn.

I turn back to the fight and my whole body is going rigid.

Chloe is being circled by two wolves whilst Zayn and Darren are being held off by the other two.

"We have to do something!" I whisper to Chaney who is looking just as angry as I am.

I rush upstairs and into Chaney's room, looking out the window that gives a perfect view of the garden.

A low growl is heard behind me and I look to see Chaney standing there with his eyes swirling in a bottomless pit of colours.

As I turn to look back out the window, I notice Chloe being held down by one of the wolves which is biting down on her neck.

Anger rises inside me and I let a loud grown leave my chest, making all of the wolves snap up to meet my eyes.

Zayn's POV.

'Zayn! Come quick!' My beta, Darren, shouts through mind link.

'Where are you?' I question as I fling on a pair of trainers.

'In the garden.' I cut off the link and run outside to the garden.

My whole body starts to shake and I can feel my green eyes slowly turning darker as my wolf takes over.

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