Sleep Tight

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Chloe's POV.

"Where's mummy!" Dakota shouts as soon as she wakes up.

"Dakota!" Chaney says as he jumps off my lap an goes to hug her.

We have been sitting in this room for about a day and a half, Chaney always sitting in my lap as he refuses to eat unless I tell him two.

"Where's mummy!" Dakota shouts again with tears streaming down her face. "Tell me that wasn't true." She whispers into her brothers shoulder.

"Hello Dakota." I say as I stand up and make my way towards the side of the bed.

"Chaney," She whispers. "Who's this?"

"I promised mummy I'd keep you safe! He's helped me!" He shouts in joy.

"B-but." She starts.

"I'm Chloe." I tell her with a warm smile on my face. "Your going to be staying with me and Alpha Zayn from now on."

"But I want mummy!" She cries and starts to fling her hands up and down in the air."

"Shh, everything's going to be okay." I tell then nothin sitting on the bed and bringing them both into my lap.

"You promise?" Dakota asks, looking up at me with her ocean blue orbs.


"It's my birthday in two days." Chaney states randomly.

"And how old will you be?" I ask, smiling down at him.

"Nine." He grins.

I grin back and brush his dirty blonde hair out of his face.

I hear a sob come come from the left side of me and I turn to see Dakota drowning in her own set of tears.

"What's wrong, Dakota?" I ask trying to sooth her.

"I hate birthdays." She shouts and more tears stream down her face.

I don't know what I say to her to I just wrap her up in my arms and hold her tight.

"You'll be fine from now on." I whisper into both of the children's ears.

Just then, my mum walks into the room with two plates full of egg, sausage and toast.

"Dakota, Chaney, this is Aunty Brenda." I tell them as mum places the plates down onto the bed.

"Hello kids," she gives them a warm smile. "Eat up."

I watch as Dakota stay put and Chaney reaches out for a sausage which I presume was for himself.

"Eat, Dakota." He says, shoving the sausage in her face.

"No!" She cries and scoots away from him.

"Okay, you two stop." I tell them. "Chaney, eat that and Dakota, come. You have to eat."

She nods an wipes any stray tears away and digs into the plate of food.

When they finish eating, I guide them to a room that is on the same level as mine and Zayn's.

The room is white with violet coloured curtained and two double beds in different corners. The carpet is cream and the drawers and wardrobes are a wood colour.

I walk over to the wardrobe and open it, revealing a range of boys and girls clothes that mum and some other people went out and got.

I pick out a pair of black trousers and a grey top for Chaney and a white dress for Dakota.

"Chaney, do you want a bath?" He nods and I turn to go into the bathroom which is next to one of their beds.

I pour a small amount of bubble bath in their and run both the hot and cold water.

Walking back out, I see Chaney and Dakota sitting on the bed with Dakota's head on Chaney's chest as she sobs.

"Mummy can see us, you know." He tells her. "And mummy will be saying 'well done' because we managed to find somewhere safe."

Dakota sniffs and wipes her eyes, still lying on Chaney's chest. "Mummy will be proud of you." She smiles. "Because you made them find us. And you stayed by me."

I wipe away a tear that I didn't realise had escaped and walked into the room.

"Chaney, your bath is ready." I tell him.

"Okay." He says, looking skeptically at me.

For some reason, Zayn could get them to do anything an they trusted him. But with me, they would always try not to or give me wired glances.

He whispers something into his sisters ear an gets up grabbing the clothes on the side that I left for him an going into the bathroom.

Dakota keeps her head down an continues to sniff.

"You okay?" Zayn asks, walking into the room.

At the sound of his voice, Dakota's head snaps up and a small smile comes on her face.

"Yes." She whispers quietly and goes back to looking at her lap.

As Zayn sits on the bed, Chaney comes back out with his old clothes in his hands.

He dumps the clothes on the side and walks back to the bed.

I go an run the bath for Dakota, making sure to put extra bubbles in the bath and go to tell her that her bath is ready. She picks up the white dress that I laid out and goes into the bathroom.

"Feeling better?" I ask Chaney when he sits back down on the bed. He just nods his head and stays quiet.

'Movie marathon?' I ask Zayn through our pack link. He looks up at me with a twinkle in his eyes and nods his head, a huge grin spread across his face.

Dakota comes back out of the bathroom with her purple dress tight in her arms.

"Do you want me to wash that?" I ask Dakota whilst picking up Chaney's clothes.

She shakes her head and holds it tighter if that's even possible.

"Mummy bought this for me." She says, crying into the dress.

I leave her be and take Chaney's hand, leading him to our movie room whilst Zayn takes Dakota.

"What would you like to watch?" Zayn asks Dakota who is wrapped up in his arms.

I've never seen him care for someone so much.

"Rugrats!" She shouts with a cute grin.

"Rugrats it is." He says putting her down and going into the kitchen.

I set up the cartoon on Netflix and Zayn comes back in with popcorn and some drinks in his hands.

"Here." He hands the bowl of popcorn to me and puts the drinks down on the table, siting next to Dakota whilst I sit next to Chaney.

Dakota's eyes slowly shut and she rests her head on Zayn's lap whilst Chaney is sleeping on her shoulder.

"So cute." I whisper to Zayn, smiling.


How d'you like it aye? ;)

I'm loving this story already :') hope you lot do two!!

Would love it if my fellow fans could:




Thanks my awesomes!!!


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