1. Cristoforo Costantini

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Cristoforo Costantini was sitting behind his desk smoking his cuban cigar as he was looking up at his step father Enzo who was looking worriedly at him across the desk as he was seated on a chair.

Cristoforo laughed "So, old man. What is it you want exactly? You want me to just let De Luca come live with you? Not a chance. Go back to your ranch in Texas that I bought you. take this retirement gift and go handle cattle or do farming. Whatever brings you peace. You can ask for anything else but not my brother. You are dismissed if there is nothing else you need....."

Enzo stood up and found more courage "The son I raised will not dismiss me this way..."

Cristoforo spoke "Adpoted son. You were just a replacement for my father, since you were my father's best friend from school. You had no wife and children and when my parents died you were called in to fill in a gap of a parent for me and my brother as my father's men protected this place and got me ready for my duties when the time came. Nothing else. Now I am of legal age. I can take over. You can live as you wish. You can stay here but look the other way or you can go to the ranch. Obviously, you cant look the other way so I suggest you take my offer. Leave ... because if you try to stop me in what I am about to do, I will hurt you old man.... It was bad enough you tried to forewarn those people I am coming for but lucky for you I had men watching you. You didnt succeed. Now I am showing you mercy. I let you walk away unharmed for the betrayal you were about to commit...."

Enzo approched the desk and put his hands on the table "You are better than this. Revenge will not bring your parents back...."

Cristoforo's expression changed. He stood up and spoke sounding irritated " I am being kind to you because you were kind to me and my brother. Now leave because if you stay and you pull any stunts you wont be shown as much mercy as I am showing you now..."

Enzo shook his head "You call this mercy? You want to put me under house arrest in that ranch."

Cristoforo spoke " Retirement home, I call it. Not house arrest. You will be allowed to walk around free but under guards watch...."

Enzo was sounding defeated " Please, dont do this, son. You are twenty one but your brother is only seventeen. He cant be exposed to this revenge plan you have..."

Cristoforo spoke "I warned you against not staying in that room when I issued orders. You refused to leave. You heard what you didnt want to hear... You were hoping I was like my father, a man of peace. You were hoping I was going to accept the proposal to make peace with my enemies who killed my father. You thought wrong. His peaceful approach got him killed. He thought he could solve everything by talking. He was wrong. I am following the path of my grandfather whether you like it or not. I am a man of war. The best appraoch is war. Kill them all so they wont come after your family. Now, leave old man. De Luca stays here. You ahve two choices. You will leave quietly and I will see you in holidays or you will stay but you will learn to keep your views to yourself and not influence my brother. If you cant do that, there will be trouble for you. I would rather you leave now so I wont have to lock you away. You were a good step father to me. I cant deny that."

Enzo pleaded "He hasnt even finished high school. He is too young for this. Let me take him away from here at least for another year until he turns eighteen."

Cristoforo stated "No. I didnt hear you choose an option. So I am sending you away to Texas. You are dismissed."

Enzo couldnt stop the tears leaving his eyes "You are wrong. I was not a good step father to you. If I was then you wouldnt have become this vengeful monster. If this is the path you choose, I cant stop you. I know that. But please dont force De Luca to take part in your vengeful adventures you are planning for all those who had a hand in your parents's death. I beg you. He is not ready for this. The son I raised had some humanity inside to show mercy on his brother's soul at least...."

A Mobster's Revenge ( Side story to Book 1 of the New York Mafia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now