2. Cursed Town (Part 1)

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De Luca was sitting in his brother's bullet proof car with tinted windows looking outside silently as the car was driving to its dreaded destination. De Luca closed his eyes and swallowed hard as he saw the road signs pointing to the town his brother was to go on a killing spree.

Cristoforo's voice brought him out of his thoughts "Why are you shaking De Luca?"

De luca turned to his brother was was sitting at the other side of the car guarded by men in cars armed with machine guns. He had confidence and was looking at De Luca with a taunting look. Of course, a man who had an army of armed men should have felt like he owned the whole world.

De Luca tried not to waver "Its a bit cold. That is all. Its in the middle of the night..."

Cristofero raised an eyebrow " The heating is on maximum. Dont lie to me. You are either a Costantino or you are not. Man up and stop shaking. Its getting on my nerves."

De Luca looked away and remained silent. He tried to take deep breaths. He closed his eyes and he tried to think of happy images. He tried to conjure images of playing with his step father in the football field. He tried to think back to the times his step father taught him how to swim and how to ride a bicycle.... he thought back to the times he went to the pictures with him..... There were so many good memories to think of... But nothing was calming him down. This was going a to be one bloody slaughter all ordered by his brother. Nothong could change the fact that his brother was becoming a cold blooded murderer. Nothing. He intended to wipe out any one who had anything to do with their parent's murder. Anyone. Even the chefs or the chauffeurs who worked for the crime families were going to be killed. No one was going to be spared. The thought made him cringe. What had become of his brother. He wished his step father hadnt left. He really needed him to tell him what he needed to do. He was petrified which made his body shake even harder.

Cristofero laughed " You are shaking like a leaf. Look at you." He then took out a liquor bottle and handed it to De Luca "Drink up."

De Luca shook his head "I am underage."

Cristofero rolled his eyes " Of course you are. I know when you were born. We are criminals. Act like it. Drink up or I will smash this bottle on his head.

De Luca knew he was capable of doing it. He nodded reluctantly and took the bottle. He opened the bottle with his shaky hand and closed his eyes and put the bottle to his lips. De Luca took a sip and then started coughing. He then offered the bottle to Cristofero to take.

Cristofero shook his head "You spat it all out. Drink up."

De Luca reluctantly took the bottle to his lips and closed his eyes. The liquer burned his throat and he kept it inside as long as he could but the effect was immediate and he felt better. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath as he handed the bottle to him.

Cristofero muttered "Next time you question my orders, in this trip, I will throw you in the trunk of the car and it would be your permanent sleeping place while we do the business in that godforsaken town.

De Luca gulped and nodded. They were going to stay in their destination for a week so he had no intention of sleeping at the back in the trunk.

The rest of the trip went on in silence. Once in a while, Cristfero asked the driver to turn on the radio. As they approached, the local news came on.

De Luca wasnt thinking much of the news until he heard some news that brought chills down his spine "Police are investigaing the disapperance a number of citizens over night. There have been fires set to various warehouses, shops and businesses. Firefighters are trying to contain the fires. Please be vigilante. There are road closures due to unknown blockades which are being investigated. Stay in your homes and wait for instructions."

De Luca turned to Cristofero "Its already starting?"

Cristofero nodded "Of course."

De Luca questioned "What will you do with the police?"

Cristofero laughed "What police? This is just a cover up so other police stations stay out of it. We are here to kill and we will kill with no disturbances. The civilians whom are not our target would stay in their homes because by the end of the night a state of emergency and curfews would be announced..."

De Luca whispered "What are you planning? We are staying for one week for what then if you are killing everybody tonight?"

Cristofero spoke "I am not killing everybody tonight. As you know we move from family to family. They will just face an agonising wait....

De Luca shook his head and held his head in his hands. What had his brother planned?

Cristofero spoke proudly "I will kill family after family but they would be facing an agonising wait. They cant leave through the roads because we strike them first. You see these families think since they have picked a small town for residence covering up their past is a good idea. They have split up their businesses to different towns making themselves vulnerable. The fact Theo didnt strike them years ago was all because he wanted us to have the satisfaction of getting revenge."

De Luca looked up "Enough Cristofero. There is no us. I dont want revenge. I want a normal life."

Cristofero granned his brother's collar of his shirt and pulled him towards him "You will not disrespect the memory of our parents. They deserve revenge. You will not ever question what we are about to do De Luca. I am warning you. You may be my brother. But it does not mean you are allowed to say what you want. I have worked hard to build this empire through my college years to do this,...."

De Luca spoke boldly " You mean you built this empire off the backs of dangerous criminals and drug traffickers. Why cant you see, this is wrong? We can be normal business men. You could invest our parents money elsewhere in something legal but you chose drugs and illegal crimes. Its not too late. Lets turn the car around."

Cristofero slapped his brother hard and then didnt let him recover and grabbed his chin as he shouted " Hold your tongue De Luca. I dont want to hear your nonsense. You are lucky I am not in the mood to get off this car and beat you to a bloody pulp but carry on complaining and I will beat you until you grovel on the ground and then I will throw you in the trunk. But I really wnat to get to this town in the next hour so I can get some work done. I dont like being delayed." He then let go of him and sat back down looking at his brother daring him to defy him.

De Luca held his cheek in his hand and looked outside as he sat back down silently. He knew how lucky he was. His brother had was saving his hate for others. He was in a good mood and in a sick way he couldnt wait to get to their destination.

After another hour of driving, the car stopped in the middle of a deserted road with trees all around.

Cristofero smirked "We are here. Get off the car brother. Your education is about to get serious. This is where we will bury the first batch of families.

De Luca felt sick. He actually wanted to vomit as he could hear the sounds of crying from a distance. He whispered "Are they the people you abducted?"

Cristofero nodded "Bingo. You are fast. Get off the car. You just have to watch. I wont make you get your hands dirty for now. You are underage for killing but you can watch. Get some pop corn from the trunk. Will you?"

A Mobster's Revenge ( Side story to Book 1 of the New York Mafia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now