6. The First Day

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Elaine woke up breathing heavily after her not so pleasant night spent in bed next to Cristofero. She had dreamt nightmares.... All about people getting your tortured...

When Elaine opened her eyes, she was surprised to find the bed empty. He was gone. It gave her relief, so she could get more time in bed alone. Without him, the fear was lessened. When he came close, he put her on edge. He made her feel fear but he also made her feel guilt. She feared what he was going to do next. She feared if he could get any worse. She feared for whoever was his victims that day.... But she felt guilt also.... She felt guilt of her old feelings coming back. All those feelings she had locked away for him poured back in and it made her feel guilt. Why did she love this monster? She cursed the day she met him. She cursed the day he told her his name and they fell in love. She cursed the day he claimed her as his girl which was the same day that they met. She cursed that day too because she did nothing to avoid him. She didn't run away. She didn't push him away and condemned herself to being his by returning his affections and falling in too deep for him. She had no idea who he was and what he was capable of back then. When she found out who he was, it was too late. He already had claimed her as his. There was no escape if Cristofero Constantini wanted you... and the worst part was she did have feelings for him.... Howver, her level of affection towards him didnt come close to how much he loved her. He was madly in love. He only saw her. There was only her. He hated the entire female population and treated them cruelly and rudely but he was gentle to her or rather he was as gentle as he could get with her and only her.

Elaine got up and went to the shower and got dressed. Just when she was putting on her cardigan, she heard the door open.... She was startled because she thought anyone who came in would have knocked but of course Cristofero was not anyone. He barged in and announced " Good morning beautiful...."

Elaine whispered as she was looking at the mirror "Good morning. You scared me."

Cristofero walked to her and embraced her from her waist. He inhaled her scent "You smell great.... How did you sleep last night?"

Cristofero let her go and she turned around. She shrugged "I didnt sleep well. No thanks to you. Do you really think I could sleep after what you did?"

Cristofero sighed "Fine. I wont play a joke on you again. You need to learn to take jokes."

Elaine couldnt believe his cruelty. He actually didnt get it. She breathed "You still killed someone."

Cristofero nodded "But I didnt kill your uncle. Did I? So drop it Elaine before I lose my good mood."

Elaine nodded "Fine... Sorry." . She knew she couldnt go too far. He had a very short temper and was easy to anger but it was difficult to put him in a good mood. And he was surprisingly happy.

Cristofero smiled "Good...." He then reached into his pocket and took out a velvet box and handed it to Elaine "This is for you..."

Elaine took it from him and opened the box "Thank you. Its looks beautiful." It was a pair of diamond earings with a necklace.

Cristofero waited and waited. When she kept staring at the present he sighed "But dont you like it? If you don't, I can exchange it for something else. I just liked this one because it was the only emerald collection they had. Emerald is green. It matches your eyes."

Elaine looked up. She didnt know what to say. She had seen this collection before at the town's jewellery shop. There was one thing missing. A ring. This was part of a collection and they only had one of a kind of this rare Emerald pieces of Jewellery. The ring was not there and it made her feel worried. He must ahve bought the ring.... She knew he was going to propose to her soon. He had promised him the last time he saw her that he was going to propose the next time he saw her. She had to delay it... There was no way she could say yes, if he asked any time soon. Loving someone was not enough....

A Mobster's Revenge ( Side story to Book 1 of the New York Mafia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now