Chapter 15: First mission

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I got up from the bed a little bit late, I looked around and no one was in bed. I jumped off the bed and ran to the shower room, I changed and put my uniform on and maneuvering gear. I ran to the field and the cadets were on their horse lined up.

"(Y/N)!" Hurry up!" I heard Petra say pointing to my horse.

"I'm coming" I yelled running to my horse. I was struggling to get on my horse because I was to short.
"Tch." I heard Levi say behind me, he jumped off his horse and walked over to me.

"I-I got it" I said.

"Yeah Cadet.." he said as he held on to my waist, he lifted me up as high as he could so I can bring my leg to the other side.

"Thanks." I said.

He went back to his horse and jumped on it.

"Everyone move out by groups!" Levi yelled.
We were the first group to move, Levi was behind me and I was in front of Eren. We walked passed the people, remembering when I was in their position. But's time for me to protect them. I smiled at the little kids that were amazed by us.

"(Y/N) remember what I taught you." I heard Levi say behind me, I turned around and smiled toward him, he ended up smiling back. My face started to turn red and I turned back around.

"Did he literally just smile to me?" I whispered to myself.

We went outside the gate and we were split up, I was riding behind Levi alongside with Petra,Erwin,Hanji and Eren. We were headed directly for the forest, we passed a few Titans and Levi ordered us to kill them.  I hooked on to the neck and few past the Titan and hooked onto the nape and used the gas to aim towards the nape, I cut the Titan and it fell to the ground on top of my horse.

"What the heck..." I murmured.

"Come Cadet." Levi said reaching his hand out.
I reached my hand out to his and he pulled me up in front of him, as I settled in front of him, he was leaning inward to me. His arms were wrapped around my waist to grab the rope connected to the horses head to control it.

"Let's move." Levi ordered .

"Right!" Everyone said.

We went inside the forest and I noticed a big female Titan coming for us.

"Levi!!!" I screamed, alerting him behind us.

He turned around and seen the Titan coming for me, he grabbed his flare alerting the nearby groups, they came to us as quickly as they can trying to stop her. The female was still coming towards us, and started to hit the cadets trying to kill her. She smashed them into the trees, and ate them as they came close to her mouth.

"Let me transform so I can kill her!" Eren yelled in horror.

"Eren no, we got this!" Petra yelled.

"Petra and Erwin go and try to stop her." Levi said.

"let me help too Levi!" I said, trying to lift up to hook out his grasp. But before I could he grabbed onto my waist and pushed me down.

"They got this Cadet, we are the leaders of the scout regiment." He said in distress.

I turned to look at him and he looked mad, trying to watch where he was going.

Petra and Ewrin nodded and hooked on to her, distracting her as we rode away on the horse. She smashed Erwin to a tree, and as Petra started to swerve everywhere near the ground the female Titan kicked her toward the tree.

"No!!!" Eren yelled.

Eren jumped off his horse and maneuvered toward the female Titan and transformed landing on the ground, yelling. He started to punch her but she dodged most of it, she wasn't fighting back, she looked surprised. Eren took a hit at her but ended of hitting a tree, she swung at him, taking his head off. She dove in to his nape and grabbed Eren with her mouth.

"EREN!!!" I screamed and left Levi's grasp, and maneuvered to her. She started to run but I caught up with her, I aimed for her nape but she quickly turned around and her fist aimed towards me.

"Watch out idiot!" I heard Levi yell.

He grabbed me and dodged her hit, he let go of me and started hit the female Titan with his sword repeatedly on her arms and legs. The female collapsed by a tree on the ground, he sliced her mouth, revealing Eren. Levi grabbed him and maneuvered away, I followed him as well till we got with the rest of the people.

"We're gonna have to abort this mission, to much is going on right now." Hanji said.

Levi nodded his head.

---Back at building in town---
I was waiting with Levi in his office, waiting for the doctors response.

"Do you think she's a Titan shifter, regular titans wouldn't do that.." I asked.

"I don't know..." Levi responded continuing with his papers.

The doctor came in.

"He's fine, he's just unconscious, he has no broken bones." She said.

"Good." I said.

She bowed and left the room.

"What do we do now?" I asked

"We need to find out who she is...And the reason why she wants Eren..." he said.

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