Chapter 26: Reiner

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I woke up, I looked around and noticed it was still dark. I tied to get up but Levi's arm was wrapped around me. Damn, how am I going to do this. If he catches me he would be like 'Did I say you were dismissed' or some crap like that. I slowly moved his hand from around me and I got up as quietly as I could. I put on my slides and closed his bedroom door slowly. I went out his office and closed the door. I walked down the halls as normal as possible.

I seen Hanji standing downstairs, I was about to turn around but Hanji already seen me.

"Ah, (Y/N) What are you doing up so late, it's almost 3:00 AM."

I scratched the back of my head "Well I just needed some fresh air, that's it."

Hanji smiled and stepped aside as I briefly moved pasted her. I saw a wondering cadet cleaning the floors, I might ask her where the jail is at.

"Hey..So you know by any chance where the jail is at?" I asked as I approached her.

"Yes, let me show you where." She smiled.

We stepped outside and she pointed to me a large building.

"Ok thank you!" I bowed to her and ran off toward the building.


I was soon at the door and seen one guard at the desk, I need to get past him. I ducked down as he got up to go to another room. I opened the door and tiptoed to his desk, I need to find out which room Reiner is in. I looked at the names down the list, I seen Reiner's name, he was on the second floor. I got the guards keys from the Table, and tiptoed quickly to the stair case. I went up to the second floor and looked for A-12.


I got the key and unlocked the door, it was dark, I went inside and called out to him.


I heard shuffling behind me. Before I could turn around I felt a hand covering my mouth.

"Who are you and how the hell do you know my name!?!" I heard him whisper in my ear.

He uncovered my mouth allowing me to talk.

"(Y/N), I was the Titan that you fought."

He put his arm around my neck tightly, I couldn't hardly breathe.

"Your the brat who got me in here, in the first place!" He whispered loudly to me.

"I can't breathe!" I said.

"I should kill you right now but we need more Titan shifters to join us." He released me and I feel on my knees to catch my breath.

"After what you did to me, you think I would want to join you." I said angrily.

"I could kill you and every weak pathetic human in this wall, If you don't come with I will easily do that."

"Damn it!" I angrily said.

"And if you do, I will seal up both walls that were caused...Haha... by me."

He pulled me up by my arm.

"So I suppose you start getting moving." He whispered.

He threw me to the door and I looked around the corner to see if the guard came up stairs. The hallway was clear so I tiptoed down with Reiner following. I wish Levi was here, I don't think I can beat him again if I turn to Titan, I don't think I will have that same energy I had before. We crept down the stairs and I seen the guard at the desk.

"The guard is at his desk, how are we gonna get past him?"

Reiner took me by my wrist and pulled me upstairs, we stopped in front of a window that had metal poles for security. Reiner grabbed both of poles and pulled them off.

My mouth was open as he did so, well I expect that from a person who can turn to a armor Titan.

He grabbed the last two poles and set them on the ground quietly, he climbed out the window and dropped down. I looked down and I would literally hurt my legs if I fell down.

"Hurry up and drop down before you get caught!" He said.

"Are you kidding me?!? No!" I stammered.

He rolled his eyes and opened his arms out.

"I will catch you, hurry up."

I had no choice, if I get caught with him, I could be put as rescuing him or some crap.

I got on the window and dropped down, my skirt went flying up As I fell down. I looked at Reiner and he was blushing so hard, he caught me and set me down.

"U-Uh we should start going." He blushed more.

"I'm gonna have to turn Titan, we will be defenseless on foot from the Titans." Reiner said.

"But wait till we get to the wall." I said

He agreed and we made our way through town. We had to run through the shadows because the guards were patrolling the areas. We were near the wall away from the guards.

"Alright it's go time."

I stepped back away from him as he bit his hand and he transformed, a big light was glowing.

I seen his tall Titan form, he lowered his hand down to me and I walked onto it. He put me on his shoulder as he started climbing the wall quickly. I heard cadets shouting and people screaming. Cadets were starting to maneuver to us.

Reiner quickly hopped over the wall and fell to the ground, the cadets stopped following us because we were surrounded by Titans. The Titans didn't attack Reiner at all, probably because he doesn't attempt kill them. He ran to the other wall and started climbing the wall again.

We were over the wall in a matter of seconds, he jumped down and started running through the night, I don't know where we were going.

Levi please save me...

IM HYPED ! Next chapter will probably be up today. Hope you guys like it so far.

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