01 ♔ treasure chamber

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Ok guys. If you haven't read Book 1 of the series, I suggest that you do. I mean, you always have to read the first book before you read the second one, right? But anyways. The reason why I post like 2-3 chapters a day is because Book 3 is pretty emotional in the end. The deal that Silveena made in Book 1 will make a lot more sense in Book 3 and I'm just so excited for it. I just want to get over it. But anyways, enjoy!


Aslan and I were at Cair Paravel. As we were walking by the castle that has been destroyed by the telmarines. I stood by Peter's chair as Aslan walked beside me.

"They're here." Aslan said.

"Who's here?" I ask him.

Aslan didn't answer me, he just roared. Then it got to me, the Pevensies have come back.

When I looked to see Aslan, he was gone. I looked around me, but he wasn't no where to be seen.

"Aslan?" I said. Nothing. I started running around the destroyed castle until I walked to the edge of the mountain and saw four people standing under me. It's them.

They were playing in the water until Edmund looked up. I quickly hid.

The Pevensies began coming over and I went to hide. I haven't seen them in so long. Seeing Peter made change back to my 16 year old self. After he left the last time, I've been 36 for a hundred years.

I hid behind a tree as they examined the whole place. The began standing by their chairs.

"Imagine walls.... And columns there.... And a glass roof." Lucy said. It took a second for the Pevensies to realize where they were.

"Cair Paravel." Peter said. I smiled.

"It's been so long." I said as I came out of my hiding. They all looked at me for a second and then ran to me. They all hugged me as I hugged back.

"I've missed you all so much!" I said as I got even more squished.

"It's been a year." Edmund said.

"A year? No, it's been a hundred years since you've come..... And as you can see... A lot has changed." I said and we all looked at the disaster in Cair Paravel.

"Catapults." Edmund said.

"What?" Peter asked in confusion.

"This didn't just happened. Cair Paravel was attacked." Edmund said. We all looked around us to see the disaster.

"A lot has changed since you four left." I said as I held my staff sideways.

Peter and Edmund run over to a wall and start moving it to reveal a door behind it. They break the door down and then Peter tears a piece of his shirt and wraps it around a stick.

"I don't suppose you have any matches in there, do you?" Peter asked Edmund. Edmund then searched in his bag.

"No.... But would this help?" Edmund asked as he pulled out a tool. I didn't know what it was. It looked like some electric torch, but I'll ask later.

"You might've mentioned that a bit sooner!" Peter said smiling. His smile is so cute and I haven't seen it in so long.

We all stepped inside as Edmund led the way with his electric torch. Lucy then pauses. We looked her way to see a treasure chamber, and four chests below. We all rushed to them.

"I can't believe it! It's all still here." Peter said as he looked into his chest with his old items in it.

I walked over to the statue of Aslan. I wonder where he went. I wonder why he left. Beside the statue of the lion, I saw a dagger holster. I walked to it and took it off the wall. I took the dagger out the holster and saw the details to it.

It was the blade that Father Christmas gave me a hundred years ago. It's actually my father's but I guess he gave it to me too.

Oh, how much I wish I could go back in time and have everything back to the way it was. Misha and Coral. They passed away many years ago. Their great grand pups were with me, but I sent them to wander a bit and play. I guess when I whistle, they'll arrive.

"Silveena!" I heard Peter say breaking me away from my thoughts. I turned around to see them all staring at me.

"Sorry." I said and put the blade back in the holster. I wrapped the belt with the holster attached to it around my waist and went with all of them out the chamber.

When we were outside, I decided to whistle for the two pups can arrive.

"Why'd you whistle?" Edmund asked.

"I have two little friends that I'd like for you to meet." I said. After 5 minutes passed, they finally arrived. The two huskies came running towards me.

"Hunter! Zera!" I said as I kneeled down to the ground for them two to jump on me and lick my face. They're only a year old. To tell them apart, Zera has one blue eye and her other eye is blue with a hint of green around her pupil. Hunter is just a regular husky, I'd say.

"Hunter, Zera, this is High King Peter and High Queen Susan and King Edmund and Queen Lucy." I introduced. Hunter and Zera bowed down to them.

"It's an honor to finally see you all, your majesties." Hunter said.

"Where were you all? Hibernation? Oh! If you still have corn bread left over, you and I will be best friends." Zera says as she explains her obsession over corn bread.

"Uh, Zera.... They're humans, not animals. They have gone back to their world for a hundred years, but now they're back." I said as I looked down at Zera and back to the Pevensies.

"Yes, we have come back. But first, we have to look like we're from around here." Susan said as she takes a look at her outfit.

"Hmm.... I still have your outfits from when you wore in the battle between Narnia and..... And the witch." I said as I looked down with sadness over the thought of my mother. I mean, she was a horrible person and all... But she was my mother.

"Let's take a walk shall we? I'll explain everything that happened here." I said as Susan and Lucy looked at themselves in the mirror.

"Yes, we need to know." Susan said. We all walked out the chamber and met Peter and Edmund outside.

Edmund was having a chat with Lucy and Susan and I'm standing with Peter.

"I can't believe it's been a hundred years since you haven't seen me. In my world, it's only been a year." He says. I sigh and look down.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." I said to him and looked up to his blue eyes.

"I'm here now." He said and cupped my cheeks. He brought me to his lips. His lips are as warm as they were as last time. They carry the same feeling.

"Alright, we got everything we need. We should start walking now." Susan says Peter and I part and we chuckle a little.

"Alright, let's go." I said. I grabbed my staff and we started walking.

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