06 ♔ the night raid pt. 1

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"Hold on to Edmund tightly, ok?" Peter says as I comfort myself on the griffin I'm sitting on with Edmund. Peter hands me my staff and it against Edmunds back, still having my grip on him.

I nod and place my arms on his shoulders and grip them.

"Be careful." He continues and looks as time straight through my eyes.

"Don't worry, I will." I say to him softly.

Peter leans in and kisses my lips for a good 3 seconds. He smiles through it and backs away.

"Ready?" Edmund asks sounding a bit impatient.

"Yes." I say and began shuffling around. Out of no where, the griffin begins extending his wings and leaps forward making me almost fall. Luckily, I let loose of Edmund's shoulders and wrapped my arms around his waist as I turn my staff horizontally so it can fit around Edmund's front part of his waist and shut my eyes as I dug my head on his back.

The wind hit my face as my platinum hair flew behind me. I didn't bare to open my eyes; I've never ridden a griffin my whole life and yet, this feels so terrifying.

"Relax, the scarier part is coming soon. Open your eyes, the view is actually quite amazing." He says to me soothingly. I stopped squeezing him too hard making sure that of course, I don't let him go and fall.

I slowly open my eyes and see the dark blue sky and clouds. I smile and laugh a little at how amazing it looks. I look down to see the great castle.

"Ok, we'll jump off on a tower and the griffin will take care of the guard. Stay near me." Edmund says. I nod and the griffin increases his flying speed.

Soon enough, we land on a tower, Out of sight of a soldier who stands guard. Then, the griffin grabs him by his shoulders and pulls him up throwing him down the mountain.

After, Edmund jumps down the tower and I follow behind with his help. He extends his arm and I grab it. I throw myself down and he catches my fall. He slowly puts me back down on my feet and I compose myself.

Edmund takes out his electric torch and begins flicking it on and off to signal the others that we successfully made it through.

4 griffins come through after a couple seconds carrying Susan, Peter, Trumpkin, and Caspian. Edmund stops flashing his electric torch and we both watch Peter fight off a soldier.

The 4 of them run into the castle and Edmund faces me.

"The plan is going perfectly." He says. I have an emotionless face. I look down the tower and look around.

A lot of people will die today. Not just the telmarines, but also Narnians. My people will die, and that's the last thing I want.

Too many have died already because of the extinction. But they've reproduced throughout time and kept hidden. Oh, how I wish I could end this quick, to kill every soulless telmarine.

But not all deserve to die. They just don't have imagination. That's all.

"Silveena, you alright?" Edmund asks me and steps foot in front of me.

"I have a bad feeling of this, Edmund." I confess to him. He looks at me worried.

"It'd be quick. Sooner or later, we'll be back at Aslan's How and peace will be restored with the telmarines and the Narnians." He says and tilts his head to have a better look of me.

"I hope this is over soon." I say.

"It will be, don't worry." He says and places a hand on my shoulder. I slowly look at him and give him a half smile. He smiles back.

He let loose his hand from my shoulder and began playing around with his electric torch. Accidentally, it falls down from the upper tower and lands on the lower tower under us.

"Edmund!" I whisper harshly at him.

A couple seconds later, a soldier comes and picks up the electric torch and accidentally turns it on making the beaming light shine high through the sky. The Narnian soldiers are probably confused at this unplanned signal.

Edmund begins climbing up the blocks to prevent one from tipping over and I immediately grab his arm.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I ask him in a harsh whisper.

"I'm getting the flashlight or it'll run out of batteries." He says. I look at him confusingly in not knowing what he just said.

"I'm going to get the electric torch." He says bluntly. But before I stop him from this dangerous plan of his, he falls over and lands on top of the soldier holding the electric torch. Out of a sudden, the bells ring loudly and I see many shadows of telmarines waking up.

"Now, Ed, now! Signal the troops!" Peter demands as he fights two telmarine soldiers off.

"I'm a little busy right now, Pete." Edmund says as he struggles with the soldier on the lower tower. I gulp and jump off the blocks and roughly land on both Edmund and the telmarine soldier as my staff slips out my hand.

I roll off the two to see them continue fighting for the electric torch. I stand up slowly as my crown heals the pain on my ankles and my arm. I jump on the telmarine's back and lean backwards just to him throw me off and slam me on the concrete blocks, great. It hurt a lot honestly, but my crown healed me pretty quickly.

Edmund drew his sword out and crashed it against the telmarine's sword. Edmund's sword then flew out his hand and ducked at the telmarine's hit. Instead of grabbing the sword, his hand met with his electric torch and he hit the telmarine with it and knocked him out cold.

He then walked towards me and lent me his hand. I took it and pushed my self up with some of his strength.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Never better." I say and smirk. I grab my staff and Edmund quickly starts flicking the beaming lights from his electric torch to signal the troops to come.

"Are you ready for this?" He asks me. I gulp, I clearly am mostly not.

"No..." I honestly say.

"Look at me," he says and comes close to me. I meet his eyes and they sparkle on from the moon's gleam.

"You can do this. That was brave of you to jump down the upper tower to help me. Now, I need you to be brave and fight in this war with me." He says. His voice... so stern and determined.

"Edmund... I'm scared." I say as I look down with embarrassment. I'm such a coward on this mission. Peter was right, I shouldn't have come. I should have stayed with Lucy and the young ones. But no, instead I'm stuck here in this bloody war that I guarantee I won't survive.

He takes a step towards me and gently lifts my chin up. I, again, meet his eyes.

"I am too. Just stay close to me and we'll be fine. Remember, we're doing this to bring back what was actually here." He says. I nod and he smiles. He looks down at me face for a seconds and sucks in his lips. He sighs and tenses up.

I look away and see the telmarine's running out the castle. Many of them are coming out.

Too many.

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