13 ♔ skin

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Everyone cheers after the declaration of Caspian's kingship. Trumpkin, Lucy, Susan, Edmund, Peter, and Caspian are riding on horses while I'm sitting on my father's back. I feel his soft golden fur on my hands as I look down at him with happiness and joy. Narnia wouldn't be like this without him. All these people wouldn't be cheering if it wasn't for him.

We reach the castle as everyone is getting ready for the celebration tonight. After the grand feast, we all go outside to enjoy the next show. For I, I stay on a balcony enjoying the view. I look into the dark sky and realize how beautiful it is from up here. The light of the moon reflecting on the clouds makes it look misty and calming. The darkness for once does not look harmful.

I here footsteps from behind me but I don't bother to turn around.

"Enjoying the view?" He says. Edmund's voice rings through my ears making my heart slightly accelerate. I didn't expect him to be here.

"You should be with your brother and sisters." I say. I don't mean any offense of course. I'm kind of just curious to know why he is even up here when he should be with his family.

"Ehh, they're complaining about which firework color looks best in the sky. Pete asked about you, you know? He was wondering if you'd walk with him tomorrow when before we all... go." My eyes shot open and my stomach sank. I gulped and let out a shaky breath. My heart breaks to have to see them leave. I hated it when they left the first time, I hate it twice more that they're leaving the second time.

"All's gone so quick." I say as I slowly turn to look at him. I lean on the railing of the balcony as he just looks at me. A tears forms and rolls down my cheek. The sadness I feel right now is a lot to take in. And the fact that I'm trying to hold it in feels like shoving a burning iron down my throat.

Edmund walks towards me and pulls me in a hug. I grip his clothing as I sob onto his shoulder letting out my sadness. I don't want them to leave again... ever. He places the palm of his hand on my head and caresses my hair as he silently shushes me.

"We'll come back eventually, I promise." He says as we part. Our faces inches away and all I can see are his chocolate brown eyes staring into mine. His cheeks round with a tint of pink and his little freckles going around. Who knows when the Pevensies will come back. It can be months or sadly maybe years... I'd hate it if it made a century.

Another tear rolls down my cheek and Edmund lifts his thumb and rubs it away. I'm stuck looking into his eyes that I didn't even know he was leaning in. As his face was about 3 inches away from mine, we hear explosions making our attention go elsewhere. We walk to the balcony to see the many colors of fireworks exploding in the sky. I smile at how beautiful they all look.

It is time.

"Narnia belongs to the Narnians just as it belongs to men. Any telmarine that wants to stay and live in peace are welcomed to. But for any of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers." Caspian begins.

"It has been generations since we left Telmar." A telmarine lord says.

"We are not referring to Telmar. Your ancestors were sea-faring brigands, pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world, the same world as our kings and queens." Aslan says and looks at the Pevensies. He continues, "it is to that island I can return you. It is a good place for any of you who wish to make a new start."

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