08 ♔ Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance

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"Peter what the hell was that!?" I scream at him furiously. It annoyed me so much that he blames it all to one person who is trying to prove himself worthy of being a good person.

"Look, him and his people are the reasons why we're in this bloody mess! If it wasn't for him-"

"You wouldn't have come back. Isn't that what you wanted? To come back?" I cut him off and ask. Aslan tells me everything they say when they're in their world. Aslan heard them, like a whisper.

"I didn't want to come back to this." He says and storms off. I sigh and cross my arms and look down at Trumpkin. I raise my eyebrows to see if he wants to say something. All my words are coming to a waste and I have no idea how to make anything right now. I should have taken that horn once the Pevensies left. I really should have. I should have kept it on my possession and none of this would have happened.

Trumpkin puts his hands up in defense and walks away. I sigh and my face turns to sorrow.

I look around to find Caspian so I can hear his side of the story; but he's no where to be seen. I walk to a section of the cave to see if he's around and to my luck, he's not. I walk into another section of the cave but this time, there's a hallway with the carvings of the Pevensie's victory and then being crowned. Then, I head someone screeching a chant and I walk to it.

To my sight, I see Caspian's hand being cut by some werewolf. He grabs his hand and pulls it to a wall of ice. In that wall of ice, there she is the one person I've been trying to avoid thinking;


She's looking down at Caspian as her hand is inches away from touching Caspian's. They're going to free her.

"No!" I yell and run towards Caspian to push him off, but I get beaten to the ground by a green like creature. She points a dagger at me keeping me from moving.

"Peter!" I yell. The green like creature punches me on my cheek causing a swelling. I look at the creature as I hold my cheek. I grit my teeth and lunge towards it. I have her on the ground as I'm choking it. She gags and starts waving her arms.

"Stop!" I hear Peter say getting me distracted by looking at him. The creature hits me w a rock causing me to fall to the ground as my vision gets blurry. The audio is fading and all I see are blurry images of a fight. Everyone is going at it until I see a small girl run by; Lucy. She takes out her dagger to Nikabrik's throat. But immediately, he twist's Lucy's arm around and throws her to the floor.

My rage piles up as he's walking towards her. With all my strength, I stand up and run towards him. My vision is blurry, Nikabrik himself is a red balloon I can't miss. I tackle him to the ground as there's a sharp pain coming from my torso. I look down to see blood coming out of me. I look up at Nikabrik and see his evil smirk. He throws me on the floor. He stands up, but then Trumpkin stabs him on the back. Nikabrik falls and I close my eyes.

"No, no, no! Silveena!" I hear a male say. I slowly open my eyes to see Edmund swooping me in his arms.

"Lucy, we're loosing her!" Peter yells as he's looking into my eyes. His beautiful blue eyes catch my attention as a liquid is going through my body. The pain in my torso goes away and my vision becomes clearer. The Pevensies laugh and Edmund squeezes me as I'm still in his arms. I smile and snug my head further into him.

"Thank you." I tell Lucy for the antidote. She's most helpful when it comes to the injured. She's a light, but a sun when she smiles.

"No, I think I should be thanking you." She says and smiles for keeping Nikabrik away from her. She does not deserve such abuse, she's pure and kind-hearted.

I try to sit up but I feel a little woozy. I attempt anyway and look to see pieces of ice everywhere and bodies.

"I-Is she... gone?" I ask looking at the pieces of ice laying around.

"For good." Edmund says as he nods. For good.

Can y'all sense Edveena? Cause like ;)

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