Getting Ready : Chapter f i v e

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Everyone was getting all the supplies. I was confused of why they were having the party. Or this pack. I wanted answers, and I wanted them now. The least person that I wanted to see was Dan. He had made an awful first expression. Talking to him again would be the worst thing in the world. But, I didn't know why. He didn't threaten me. So, why did I feel like hiding and surrendering to him? He had this power that everyone feared. When he was talking no one dared to move a muscle. Was he the leader of the 'pack'? He seemed to young. I pushed the questions a side and entered the room.

"Next time could you knock the door?" Dan snarled at me. Making this growling noise. It sounded like a dog? Wolf? I took a step back when I heard that noise.

"Uh...sorry." I replied quickly.

"What do you want?" he asked grumpily.

"I wanted to know what the party is for and this pac-."

"You'll find out tomorrow." he assured her.

"But-"I got cut off again.

"Leave!" he snarled back.

I walked out of the room quickly. Dan has a temper.

The place was so BIG. There were rooms and more rooms. There were many people running around with food, and decorations. I spotted Jack and walked up to him.

"Hi." I said. Jack smiled.

"So...." I felt awkward.

"What?"Jack replied.

"Can you at least tell me where I am." I said starting to get annoyed.

"Your in the House."he replied.

"Well I ever go back to school?"I asked.

"Yeah" Jack answered back.

"Oh" I said disappointed.

"Your actually going to school right now." he said while looking at his watch.

"W-wait what?"I was confused.

"You will be going to a new school. The school that I normally go to. Here are your books." Jack said while he handed her a pile of books. He shoved her out the door. I was following him to my new school.


I finished!!!😁 The next chapter will go up soon. I wonder what would happen at school?😯 Comment on what you think will happen or what you want to happen.😊


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