Confession Time : Chapter n i n e

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Hey it's me again. Did you miss me?!? Of course you did!! Lol. Well, anyways I haven't updated in like YEARS!! It's because of homework well, school in general really. Its ZAYN MALIK birthday today, so happy birthday to you. I updated just for you Zayn. Hope you enjoy this update.

~Jack pov~

My entire way home I was worried. Telling Helen about the 'pack' bothered me. What if she is creeped out about it? Would she still like me? Well, there's only one way to find out. I was up in my room when I heard a door open from downstairs. I ran downstairs to see Helen standing by the stairway, which leads to her room.

''Hey Jack.'' She said happily.

''H-hi.'' I replied.

''So, are you going to tell me about the 'pack'?'' She questioned. I did not know why I was so, nervous. Well, here goes nothing.............


Helen P.O.V

"Werewolf?" I asked still not believing what I heard.

"Yeah. Why you don't believe me?" Jack replied.

"How am I supposed to believe you?" I stated.

"Well your parents were both werewolf as well." Jack said as if it was obvious. My parents?!? I totally forgot about them. Wow, aren't I the best daughter ever.

(note to sarcasm)

''My parents? OH NO!!! They must be worried about me. I didn't even call them what if they are looking for me? What if they think I got kidnapped?" I yelled frantically.

"It's okay. They know where you are. We had called them and it was totally fine." Jack tried to calm me down.

"They didn't ask if I was okay. Or if I needed anything?" I asked him.

"Nope." Jack answered.

"Nothing at all?"I questioned. He nodded his head. Wow. Aren't they great parents. The hole 'pack' thing didn't bother me. For some reason I knew it would be something about that. Was maybe because of that dream?

''Hey weren't you supposed to go to detention?'' Jack asked.

My eyes widened. ''OH MY GOSH!! I forgot!! Oh great my first day of school went awful and now he is going to think that I am a bad student.'' I yelled.

''Well you are bad. You did get in trouble and you skipped detention.'' Jack stated.

''How dare you say that!! I am a straight A+ student. Well I only get like one or two B's here or there. but that is RARELY!!'' I said proud of myself. He gave me a smile which I think mean 'yeah right' and he left me alone. I got up and headed straight toward my room not having a care in the world.

YEAH!! I finally finished my update. That took long. Well, I decided that I would update every Sunday. Hope you enjoy my update. Later on in the story it would get more interesting I promise. Please vote and comment and see you next Sunday.

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