Chapter twelve

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{Charlotte's mum's POV}

I came home from work at around seven at tea time wondering why I wasn't hearing Kai or Charlotte. I put my shopping away in the kitchen thinking Charlotte had taken him out for a stroll so I didn't have to worry that much or maybe she has went out with one of her friends.
A strange gasping like sound appeared from the living room that is where I found my little girl unconscious. I didn't have time to think so all I did was grab my mobile phone out of my pocket and called the ambulance not knowing what else to do but only panic. I walked towards her slowly and heard something crunch under my shoe, I reached down and it was her empty medication bottle that's when I looked next to her and saw my bottle of wine from the fridge I gasped and started to cry she could die! Whilst I was waiting for the ambulance to arrive I decided to throw the wine bottle and the now broken pills bottle in the bin because didn't want to look at them much longer, it brought me too much pain.

The ambulance men ran through the house with a body stretcher to carry Charlotte to the ambulance safely. I held her hand all the way to the hospital praying that she would wake up soon, as she was getting seen to I had to stay in the waiting room until she would be in a hospital bed. About half an hour later I got called into a room where a doctor stood I looked at my daughter and there she was lay in a bed with many wires sticking through her attached to all sorts of machines which made by heart break.
"Hello Miss McClean through Charlottes condition which is an overdose of which you are aware of although you say you wasn't in the house at the time we are lucky to know that she isn't dead but right now she is in a coma. I am not god, I do not know how long this will last up until it could be weeks it could be months it is very very early days but things may look up."
I broke down sitting in a chair for support with my head in my hands a gentle hand squeezed my shoulder to tell me everything will go to plan. I phoned Mia asking if she had Kai as she usually did and luckily he was there, my next phone call was to Reece's parents to tell them what has happened and before I could ask they said they was on their way to pick Kai up and bring him here (which was luckily allowed.)
There was nothing I could do but watch my poor child at only the age seventeen who has done so little in life yet so many bad things has happened around her want to end her life, she is my little girl still and it breaks my heart to watch her like this with her unable to move or talk is it my fault?!

Reece's parents turned up at the hospital with baby Kai whilst I was getting off the phone from telling Mia of what had happened as she had a right to know what had happened.
"I am so sorry Molly it is a hard time but we will all make sure we get through it ... That's what family is for right." Anna said (Reece's mum)
"Thank you so much the both of you, you have helped us all so much ... Are you planning on telling Reece may I ask ?"
"Actually we was going to ask how you felt about us telling him he has a right to know." Said Mark (Reece's dad)
I agreed that it was the best thing for him to know now than later on.
Whilst Mark and Anna went outside to phone Reece leaving me with Kai a detective came towards my way and said.
"Hello miss McClean I am detective Watts and I am asking for permission  to enter your property just to look for clues."
"I cleaned up the evidence there is a broken prescribed bottle of depressive drugs and a bottle of red wine in my kitchen bin ... Oh my goodness I don't remember locking the door!"
"The more easier for us to get in then!"
The detective smirked and met up with some more people maybe detectives outside of the door blocking my view of Reece's parents, they suddenly all left going to my house hopefully I hope I didn't do anything wrong I didn't even think there would be detectives involved.
Reece's parents came in with a shocked look on their faces.
"How did he take it?"
"At first we was just talking about normal stuff we was gradually building our way up to tell him and then it just slipped out ... We are afraid to say he got very upset and is blaming himself for a lot of these events."
"Why did it have to happen to us all good people!"

We started to talk to Charlotte for a while it was hard seeing as she couldn't respond back it didn't feel right but apparently it is good to talk to people in a coma. Kai was crawling around gurgling making us all smile he had platinum blonde hair and his eyes was an extraordinary colour of green and blue even with a weird yellow looking colour inside also, he looked just like Reece there was no denying that he was the double of him!
A day later  the detectives came back and asked if they could speak to me alone, I insisted that whatever had to be said should be said in front of the full family.
"We have searched your house Miss McClean and there is no  clue whatsoever in any of your bin's at all in your house of them two items. We have looked more further into the house and we noticed that the bottom of your staircase has a large crack as if someone has either fell on the stairs or someone has been pushed ..."
"This is a joke! Are you telling me you think I did this to my own daughter!"
"There is no need to shout,there has been examinations on your daughter that show large bruises that tells us you have big chances of  pushing her perhaps that was the making of the mark on your staircase the shock of the fall could have made your daughter fall into a coma this caused you to panic so you force fed her the pills along with the wine perhaps ."
"Why would she do that! She loves Charlotte , we all do now you are thinking we are the type of people to cause harm to her!" Anna yelled.
"Well she is obviously lying she told us incorrect information every single one of the bins that you own have each been emptied and not a single bin holds the evidence of what you are telling us, you are hiding something and that is a very good solution we can come up with."
I got mad how dare some man I have never met before assume I have done any kind of these actions! I walked towards him and yelled.
"People like you make me sick you just go and assume things thinking it is okay who are you to say I have done anything of the such my daughter is ill and half of it is because of ill minded self absorbed people like you.."
I had an whole essay more to yell at him but before I could yell anymore another detective tackled me to the floor to force my arms behind my back.
"She hasn't done anything let her go!" Both Anna and Mark said at the same time.
"Miss McLean I am arresting you for assault towards your daughter, I don't want you to say anything we have a police officer waiting outside we will hand you over to him."
Tears were streaming down my cheeks I couldn't leave my daughter or my grandson in a time like this but what other choice did I have.
"Please Mark and Anna do what you can to look after Kai I never did anything okay I swear to god I..."
"We know, everything will be okay we will always be here for Kai we promise."
I was dragged out of the room in the hands of policemen my next stop was jail.

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