That Morning
“So everyone ready? The plane leaves at 5 in the morning!” came Robin's voice singing through the hallway.
Sleepily everyone ushered in and out of their bathrooms, showering, getting dressed, bringing luggage down and finally eating some breakfast. Everyone was bright eyed once showered and eating.
“Ooo I cannot the wait!” Starfire was in a super excited mood. Raven munched on some cereal and agreed while sipping on her hot tea. Cyborg, Bee, Robin and Starfire gorged on pancakes while Beast Boy helped himself to some vegan sausage and waffles. For once Cy and Beast Boy didn't get into the whole vegan filler not real meat debate.
Checking the clock, the Titans all cleaned up breakfast dishes and left for the docks where they were to meet with the pilot who was taking them to Hawaii.
At the docks, before the Titans arrived, Gemini and Terra were already there. They already had captured the pilot and plagued the plane for disaster. Terra was still huffy about Beast Boy's reply to her message last night.
“Terra. It's done. You even said it wouldn't be easy. And here you are bitching that he didn't want to talk things out.”
“Yea well I didn't think he'd blow me off that quick-”
“You tried to kill his girlfriend, then you tried to make her leave him. He is her protector. It isn't her who controls him. It is himself.”
“Well this better work. Brain better know what him and Melchior are doing.”
“Ah. About them. They aren't part of this plot. This is all to avenge my mother.”
“Then why am I part of this?”
“This was your get out of jail free card. Play it or else you'll end up back in it.”
“I'm starting to see orange may become my favorite color.”
“No wonder Slade likes you. You are a pain.”
That name gave Terra the creeps. How he used her and Rose for his demands. Rose got away from there and saw the good in people. Maybe Terra could do the same. Maybe this crime filled life wasn't for her. Maybe-
“Hey blondie looking good!” Whistled a tall, lean man in a white sailor's outfit who looked to be in his early twenties. His buddy in the same outfit catcalled at Gemini. His buddy wasn't as tall, but still lean. The two boys worked their way over to two girls.
“Maybe we could have some sailor fun before we leave?” Smiled Gemini as the girls were lead off by the boys to a nearby bar and grill.
The Titans arrived at the docks about an hour later, excited for their trip to Hawaii. After gathering luggage and placing it all on the luggage cart. They eyed a GA8 Airvan and a BN-2T Turbine Islander.
“The pilot must be a collector.” Cyborg took noticed as he examined the plane's exterior. “Why do you say that?” Asked Robin
“Well the smaller plane is Australia, seats 7 and the second one is a European style 10 seater. The pilot likes to collect planes or something. But something doesn't seem right..” Cyborg continued examining the plane as he took noticed in several wires hanging and tools scattered throughout the ground.
“Looks like someone was messing with the engine bays. Hm. Which one is our pilot’s?” Turning his attention back to Robin for more information.
“” Checking his email Robin turned to Cyborg with the news he was looking for. “Neither plane was the one we was taking. The plane we are looking for is orange, white and black and is called Nextant 400XT/XTI.”
“Is it that that one over there by the hanger?” Raven, whom had been quiet just taking in the sights and sounds of the water and aircrafts. Beast Boy took advantage of the time Robin and Cyborg had given them to take in her beauty. Starfire was by Robin's side though quiet and Bee was standing with Cy, just sleepy.
The team headed over to the plane where a middle aged man came out and greeted the young members.
“Must be Robin a’ friends eh?” came the voice from the middle aged man in dark jeans, an orange polo and with a Veterans hat on.
“Yes Sir” Robin answered and then introduced everyone.
“Good to meet everyone. The name's Paul and I'll be flying you all to Hawaii. Lets load up and start cranking. It's about a 13 hour flight. And I promise the wife I'd be home for dinner” He grinned at his own joke.
The Titans loaded up their luggage and settled on the plane.
“This’s your cap’t speakin’. Everyone stay seated until the little light above you blinks off, then you may roam around the craft. There are drinks in the lounge area, tables if you have paper work or want to play cards. Enjoy your flight with Paul” He chuckled.
Beast Boy and Raven were sitting topside. In the back of his mind, the ring was in Robin's bag, he and Robin both doubled checked. He placed his hand on top of hers since she was seated with her hands on the armrests. She was nervous.
How can someone who flies be nervous of flight he wondered. Then it hit him. Duh. She controls her flying, this she cannot control. Sealing his fingers around hers, he could smell her fear relaxing. He smiled at her.
“Don't be worried. In no time we'll be in Hawaii. Fun in the sun. Beaches. Ocean. Sunsets. Ah paradise! “
“Yea. Sharks. Volcanos. Sunburn. But. You're right I need to settle down and relax.”
“That's my Raven!” He grinned and leaned back in his seat.
Starfire and Bee were taking a nap while Cy and Robin were playing cards. Soon they all will be in paradise. Away from Jump City. Away from petty criminals. Away from drama.
“Just you and me and the ocean, baby. I'm the happiest man in the world with my mate by my side. Can't wait til I proposed. Shit I better think of a good line.”
Raven laid her head of his chest as her eyes fluttered shut. She had been looking outside the window, watching the plane kiss the clouds. She was relaxed. He could tell. She was excited. She was happy and he was glad. He settled his cheek on her head and drifted off into a light sleep.
“Goddammit Terra we hit the wrong plane! And now they are gone!” whined Gemini whose hair was a mess and out of breath.
“Who cares anymore?! But man.. That Garth can fuck me any day!” came the raspy voice of Terra who lit up a cigarette after that wondrous sex she just had with the taller sailor boy.
“Yay! And man I'm glad I got Dan’s number. Definitely gonna hit that again and again.”
The girls limped like abused dogs out of the bar and grill. Who knew it had rooms upstairs, but the boys did somehow. They hailed a taxi and headed for Gemini’s place to clean up and change. At this moment they didn't care about Beast Boy and Raven nor revenge.