4:Coincidence? I think not!

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So lately crazy coincidences have been happening. I don't really remember exactly when it all started and I don't really remember every single thing that has happened. So here's a list (not in order) of things that have happened:
•I was reading an article about the beyonce and sia conspiracy and a beyonce song came on while listening to spotify, and right after that a sia song came on.
•I was standing in front of doors to a balcony at a hotel and they flew open just randomly and it freaked out all of my friends cause I didn't even touch them.
•In my previous story I was talking about makeup and made a reference to a beyonce song and that same song  came on right after that.
•Sometimes I'll just think of some thing and I'll go on instagram and see something about it.
•I'm also pretty sure last week i was thinking of one of my friends and he later sent me a text (I haven't talked to him all summer and it was completely random.)
I know that more happened but it happens so often that I forget about it. I remember watching a video on the gabbie show and she was having that problem and then I later started having coincidences. Maybe I've always had them and just now am realizing it? Maybe it's all in my head? I've also heard that it could be a spirit trying to Contact me. I'm pretty sure it's just all in my head haha.

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