Lucas and Maya

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(I know that I'm not the best at writing one shots but here is the second one.)

Maya's POV:

I pace the floor, my brown boots clanking against the hardwood floors.

I run my hands through my long blonde hair and let out a shaky deep breath.

I feel a strong hand land on my shoulder, making me jump a little. I look over my shoulder and see Lucas smiling down at me.

I turn around and wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face in his chest. He wraps his arms around my small figure and kisses the top of my head.

"Everything's going to be okay, Maya. I'm going to be fine. I'm not going to leave you." He says in a reassuring tone.

I lift up my head and look into his beautiful hazel eyes. He smiles and stares back into my blue ones.

I can't help but smile back.

But my smile fades as I remember what he's about to do.

"How do you know that everything's going to be okay? What if you get hurt on that stupid bull?" I ask worriedly.

He strokes my cheek with his hand.

"Remember, I rode Tumbstone before and nothing bad happened. I promise that I will be okay, and afterwards we can go eat some chimichangas. Cause I know how much you love chimichangas." He says, making us both laugh.

"I do love chimichangas. But I love you more huckleberry." I say, smiling up at my amazing boyfriend.

"I love you too, short stack." He says smiling back at me.

I stand up on my tippy toes and kiss him, he kisses back. We pull away a few seconds later. I take his hand in mine and we leave the house, Zay, Farkle and Riley behind us. Poppy Joe is already in the truck.

*time skip*

I look over at Lucas, who is standing next to Poppy Joe and talking to a man who looks like he is in his late fifties.

Riley looks at me with a small smile.

"Maya, he's going to be okay." She says, noticing how worried I am.

I sigh and nod.

She's right. He will be okay.

"You're right. Thanks riles." I say, looking up at her with a small smile.

She smiles back and links our arms together. "You're welcome peaches. Now come on, he's up next." She says dragging me over to where Farkle and Zay are standing.

I look over to see Lucas mounting the bull. He looks over at me and smiles. I smile back.

The gates burst open and Tumbstone charges out of the cage, trying to throw Lucas off of its back.

Suddenly Lucas flys off of the bulls back and onto the ground. The bull kicks him a few times before charging after the rodeo clown.

"Lucas!" I scream as I try to climb over the bars to go to him, but Farkle and Zay hold me back. I begin to sob my eyes into Zay's shirt.

The medics come and take Lucas to the hospital.

*three hours later*

We have been sitting in this stupid waiting room for hours and they haven't let anyone but Poppy Joe see Lucas.

Zay rubs my back as I continue to cry into his chest, his shirt now soaked with my tears.

The doctor comes into the room a few minutes later. I sit up straight and wipe my eyes.

"You may see your friend now. But I would be cautious. He has suffered from many injuries. He has four broken ribs and his left leg is broken. Please follow me." The doctor says. We all stand up, and follow the doctor to the room that Lucas is in.

Farkle, Riley and Zay walk into the room, me behind them.

"Hey guys!" Lucas says with a big smile. I smile.

He's okay.

His smile fades and confusion takes over his face. "Hey riles, who's the blonde behind you?" Lucas says pointing at me.

Everyone looks at me, shocked and sad looks on their faces.

A tear streams down my face as I take a step forward. "Lucas, it's me, Maya. I'm your girlfriend." I say as more tears stream down my face.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are." Lucas says, still confused. I feel my heart sink as he says those words.

He doesn't remember me.

"Lucas, please. I love you! You said you'd never leave me!" I yell as I feel my heart breaking inside of my chest. I start sobbing uncontrollably.

Riley tries to comfort me but I just push her away and run out of the room.

I keep run down the narrow hospital hallways, and out of the hospital doors. I keep running and running until I can't run anymore.

My legs give out and I fall to the ground.

I lean my back up against a tree and bring my legs to my chest and cry into them.

He doesn't remember me.

He promised he wouldn't leave.

And he forgot me.

I love him.

But he doesn't even remember that he loved me back.

I thought that he was my happy ending.

But I guess I was wrong.

Hope really is for suckers.

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