Chapter 6

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“Holey shit, what the hell are you doing?” Allen runs over to his brother that has now fallen to the ground. Ethan just stays in his seat laughing. He knows the type of guns in the house. None of them can kill a werewolf or vampire. Just sedate them. Mac made sure of this just in case an enemy got a hold of them.

“It’s fine he is still alive.” Cooper says, walking over to the table and grabbing a glass. He then proceeds to walk over to Gage who is slowly breathing, Allen cupping his head and checking his pulse. “It was only a thirty minute dart.” Cooper than rips the dart out of Gage’s neck, only a small prickle of blood falling out from it.

“You shot him.” Allen says. He watches as Cooper takes his sharp nail dragging it against Gage’s wrist, blood flowing onto the floor with in seconds.

“I sedated him, different.” Cooper says. “Although I should have shot him.” Cooper says under his breath, but both boys could hear him.

“I second that.” Ethan says, Allen shoots him a glare. “You know how I feel, I’m not hiding it.” Cooper has brought the glass under Gage’s arm and the blood was filling the glass up.

“Ethan shut up and why in the world are you taking his blood you can’t drink it.” Allen says, almost at a yell.

“No, but my lovely mate can, and then I can have a glorious evening with her.” Cooper says, he licks his thumb, bringing it across Gage’s cut. He walks out of the room in a hurry before he can hear anymore of Allen’s complaints. Ethan starts laughing, not being able to hide it.

“What’s so funny?” Allen asks pissed.

“Think about it. Cooper came down here taking Gage’s blood, which we all know helps Mac to an extreme level.” Ethan says breaking out in laughter.

“What is so funny about that?” Allen asks.

“Glorious evening, he took the blood so he could have sex with Mac. Gage who is also Mac’s mate is to thank for that.” Ethan says, little tears coming out of his eye from laughing so hard.

“Oh,” Allen says understanding it. He wanted to laugh himself, but at the same time was pissed at how Cooper handled Gage.

“I got you something.” Cooper says, he kept the cup behind his back.

“You brought me blood, Gage’s blood?” Mac asks, a little worried. “Did you kill him?”

“Wouldn’t you have felt that?” Cooper asks, receiving a shrug from Mac. “Do you want it?” He didn’t really have to asks, Mac’s fangs have already slithered out of her gums.

“No.” Mac says, biting down on her pillow to stop the want.

“You sure?” Cooper says, bringing it across her nose. She doesn’t hesitate this time bringing the glass to her lips and gulping it down. She moans when the flavor touches her tongue, she wanted more. Vamp wanted more, but War was as usual saying no. “Feeling better?” Cooper asks, once Mac finishes the glass.

“So much better.” Mac says, smiling a bit. “How did you know?”

“You told me about that day with Brody and how Gage helped you, but also about the strength you had that day.” Cooper says, he has brought Mac onto his lap. He was enjoying the tingles that she sent through him. He hated it when he couldn’t feel them anymore. “So now that you are feeling better…” Cooper let the sentence hang, plunging his mouth onto hers. Mac again got winded fast.

“Babe, you have to let the blood take its course, it doesn’t hit right away.” Mac says getting off his lap with a yawn.

“Come on,” Cooper says, bringing her into another kiss.

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