Chapter 21

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“Why is nobody here?” Jason asks looking around the mansion. It was huge but not as big as there pack house and also unlike there pack house nobody was in sight.

“Do you think they are all fighting Cooper?” John asks.

“Probably, where else could they be.” Jason says to the group he is with. “Come on, let’s get the people out of the basement.” Him and the group head downstairs to start looking. Mac, Ron, and Walter just missed them.

“Alpha George has to be here.” Ron says. “There is nowhere else to hide, unless he ran.”

“He didn’t run. He is here and you don’t have to call him Alpha anymore. He is going to lose the position anyways.” Mac says. War was mostly in control, Vamp dealing with the heartbreak of losing her mate. “This way.” Mac says going up the stairs two at a time.

“Anybody down here?” Jason shouts. He found a room that reminded him of a prison or an insane asylum. The floor was dirty he couldn’t tell what coated the ground, his guess dirt and blood. There wasn’t a window insight, the only light was centered in the middle of the room, it flickering every couple of seconds. He saw some bags in the corner, and a bed in another. It wasn’t until one of the bags moved that he realized they were actually people hiding under blankets.

“Please don’t hurt us. We promised Alpha George we would stay down here.” One of the bags squeaks.

“How could anybody let this go on for so long?” John says. He was holding his nose, the stench coming off of the people were too much for him.

“I don’t know, but this will be the last time we let anything get this bad.” Jason says.  The memory of somebody else living this way came to mind, but he didn’t know where the thought came from. He knew all of his friends didn’t live a life like this.

“Alpha George won’t let us go.” The girl squeaks again.

“Alpha George won’t be Alpha much longer.” Trent says. “Now we need to get you out of here.”

“We can’t leave, he will hurt our family’s.” Another person says.

“Almost all of the people living in the village have been moved to our pack grounds or are on their way there now.” Jason says.

“We wouldn’t have even know about you if it wasn’t for a little boy.” John says.

“EJ, that’s my son.” The girl stands up. “I need to find him. He is all that I have left.”

“He is with our friends and they are taking good care of him, but we need to get you out of here before people show up to fight.” Jason says. This time the people don’t question it. Just following the girls leads out the door.

“Come out, come out wherever you are.” Mac shouts through the house. “George I’m not in a pleasant mood so if you don’t come out soon your death will be long and agonizing.”

“You have such a way with words.” Walter says, looking into one of the bedrooms.

“I always thought Vamp was the evil side of you.” Ron says, he had his sword out prepared for any surprises.

“Sorry I’m not jolly and sweet. What am I supposed to say, come here George all will be well even though you have killed almost a hundred people for no reason.” Mac says. “Sorry bro, you lost that sweet kind sister years ago.”

“I like the feisty version, she’s hot.” Walter says.

“Shut up.” Ron says, while Mac replies with a “Thanks.”

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