Chapter 18

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Mac waits for Walter and Ron to leave the room, all the guys having the same confused face.

“What?” Gage asks.

“Do you know who the Black Alpha is?” Mac asks looking Gage directly in the eye to tell if he is lying or not.

“No, why would I know him?” Gage asks, no hint of lying.

“Because he knows you.” Mac says. Gage just shakes his head confused by the whole situation.

“Wait, how would you know if he knows me?” Gage asks.

“Because he signed your brain.” Mac says, she gets off the bed running a hand though her hair.

“He signed my what, look Mac you aren’t making any sense. Is this because of yesterday. Are you mad at me and trying to get me to leave or something. I’m sorry okay, I don’t know what came over me. I saw you and Walter and it just, I don’t know it struck a nerve. I don’t actually believe you are a whore, well not completely.” Gage says.

“Oh shut up and stop rambling.” Mac says. “This isn’t a joke, the Black Alpha has been keeping tabs on your brain and has been watching my every move. Also you can go screw yourself, I am not a whore.” Mac says, staring him in the face with a pissed off look.

“Why would the Black Alpha want to watch you?” Gage asks. Mac sighed before sitting down next to him.

“I don’t know, maybe because I’m the Black Luna.” Mac says. Gage starts laughing.

“You believe you’re the Black Luna?” Gage asks, laughing still.

“I don’t believe it, I know it. Actually a lot of people know it. I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet, well actually you haven’t figured out a lot yet.” Mac says.

“You can’t be the Black Luna.” Gage says, although his laughter is dying down as he thinks it through. “You were human, I remember nobody could smell werewolf on you. But you were always super strong. And that day in class you could hear me, couldn’t you?”

“Yep. Collin is really funny.” Mac says thinking back to how easy her life was just about half a year ago.

“That is also how you are alpha, and how you beat Alpha Brett.” Gage says, all the pieces finally clicking together. “You tried to kill me.” Gage says.

“Which time?” Mac asks laughing a bit.

“You chased the others and me back to my pack house.” Gage says.

“You and Sandy were pissing me off.” Mac says with a shrug. Gage stands and starts pacing the room trying to understand all of this.

“Why haven’t you killed Sandy yet, I always thought it was because you didn’t have the strength to take on a werewolf. Most shifters can’t take on a werewolf but you could easily.” Gage says.

“You want me to kill Sandy?” Mac asks.

“I just thought with how much you hate her you would, why do you hate her so much? Is it because of me?” Gage says a smirk claiming his lips. Mac smiles it has been to long sense she had seen that smirk.

“Yes and no. But I haven’t killed her yet because I have bigger plans for her and Derrick, actually the whole family. The only one in the clear is Jasmine.” Mac says.

“Why do you hate them so much?” Gage asks again.

“You don’t remember me do you?” Mac asks, thinking back to the many times she saw Gage at the Buckner’s house, Allen telling her of the family’s last name and the history that came with it.

“Remember you from what?” Gags asks.

“At the Buckner’s house, it was over two years ago.” Mac says.

“You were Derrick’s girl.” Gage says. Remembering the first time he saw her in the kitchen pretending to be a kidnapped victim. He is brought out of his thoughts when he sees a vase flying past him, smashing into a wall.

“Really, Derrick’s girl.” Mac says, her hands were forming fist her breathing uneven. “I guess in a way you are right. I was there, they owned me, captured me, trying to kill me on many occasions. So yes maybe I was Derrick’s girl.” Mac says.

“What are you talking about?” Gage asks.

“Don’t you remember, I begged you for help, I begged many for help. But each time they would just laugh thinking I was joking.” Mac says.

“The slave joke.” Gage says, the memory coming back.

“Every time I asked somebody for help the family would just laugh and act like it is just a joke. But by the end of the night I could barely breathe from getting kicked so much.” Mac says, she turned her back to Gage letting the few tears from her eyes.

“I didn’t know.” Gage says. “I thought….”

“It was a joke.” Mac finished. “Sadly enough nothing in my life is a joke. So you asked why I hated them so much. That is why, they made my life a living hell so I’m going to do the same. I do have to say Sandy and Derrick will be getting the better treatment.” A small smile spread to her lips.

“But you slept with Derrick.” Gage says. Mac’s head twist so fast she is surprised she didn’t get whiplash.

“Why do you now that?” Mac asks, her voices deepening with anger.

“He bragged about it one time, said you were a screamer.” Gage says getting angry as well.

“Guess that is true. I did scream, cry, and tried to hit him.” Mac says.

“I don’t want to hear about it.” Gage says.

“He raped me dumb ass.” Mac says, she turned away from Gage again. “That is also the reason I’m still alive right now.” She said to herself.

“He what?” Gage asks, grabbing Mac by the arms turning her around to face him.

“He raped me. Okay it sucked and I’m over it, for the most part. That is why he and that stupid family have to die.” Mac shouts

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Gage asks.

“Just for you to laugh and say it was a joke again. Naw I’m good.” Mac says, whipping the tears away.

“I believe you now.” Gage says. Mac turns to stare at him.

“I know, which is why this sucks so much.” Mac says.

“What sucks?” Gage says. “If this is about Sandy don’t worry I will leave her.”

“Why, because you found out what she did to me?’ Mac asks looking down at her hands.

“That and because I love you.” Gage says, Mac turns to stare at his crystal blue eyes.

“I love you too.” Mac says. The smile on Gage face grows bigs, but Mac still keeps her frown. “I’m sorry I have to do this.” Before Gage can question what Mac is doing she grabs his face bringing him in for a kiss. At first it is sweet, but then it becomes demanding. He felt it was like Mac was trying to keep him here with her forever.

She grabbed the sides of his face, she could taste the salt from her tears, she guess he could to. She was doing what needed to be done, for her safety and the safety of the werewolf race.

She was going to erase Gage’s memories of her.

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